- 19
- Feb
Kuchita bwino kwa tepi ya mica
Kuchita bwino kwa tepi ya mica
As the main raw material of fire-resistant cables, mica tape should have its product standards. The technical conditions for the specified performance indicators and test methods of mica tape products fully reflect the objective and practical needs. It is necessary for the electrical performance of mica tape to be assessed at the same time by the two indicators of insulation resistance value and withstand voltage at high temperature. Due to the large variety of fire-resistant cables, the entire insulation system (including conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-shielding systems) ) There are certain requirements. When the insulation resistance drops to a certain value, even if there is no insulation breakdown, the entire circuit system will lose its normal operation function. For the quality of fire-resistant cables, the quality of mica tape is the key to its “fire-resistant” function.
Mica tepi ili ndi kutentha kwambiri kukana komanso kuyaka kwamoto. Mica tepi imasinthasintha bwino munthawi zonse ndipo ndi yoyenera kutchinjiriza kosakira moto kwamawaya ndi zingwe zosagwira moto. Popeza tepi ya mica imagwiritsa ntchito utoto womatira wa silicone wokhala ndi zomata zabwino kwambiri monga zomatira, palibe utsi wowopsa uliwonse ukawotchedwa pamoto. Chifukwa chake, tepi ya mica siyothandiza pamawaya ndi zingwe zosagwira moto, komanso ndiyabwino kwambiri.
mica tepi imatha kukwaniritsa zofunikira zina zotchingira ma mota othamanga kwambiri, chifukwa chake imagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri. Ndikukula kwamphamvu yamagalimoto, kuwongolera kosalekeza kwa mphamvu ndi kupititsa patsogolo kwa magwiridwe antchito, zofunikira pakulowetsa mota zimathandizidwanso mosalekeza, ndipo kafukufuku wazinthu zofananira zotsekera zikuchitika. Tepi ya mica imapangidwa ndi pepala la mica ngati zopangira, ndipo mbali ziwiri kapena mbali imodzi zimapangidwa ndi nsalu yamagalasi yopanda zamagetsi yamagetsi ndi filimu ya polyester kapena kanema wa polyimide kapena kanema wosagwira ngati corona monga zida zolimbikitsira kudzera munjira yapadera . Malinga ndi kapangidwe kake, kagawidwa motere: tepi yokhala ndi mbali ziwiri, tepi imodzi, tepi itatu-m’modzi, tepi yamafilimu awiri, tepi imodzi yamafilimu, ndi zina zambiri. Malinga ndi mica, itha kugawidwa: tepi yopanga mica , tepi ya phlogopite, ndi tepi ya muscovite.
Moto umatha kuchitika paliponse, koma moto ukamachitika pamalo okhala anthu ambiri komanso chitetezo chambiri, ndikofunikira kuwonetsetsa kuti zingwe zamagetsi ndi zidziwitso zimayendetsa bwino nthawi yokwanira, apo ayi zitha kuvulaza kwambiri. Chifukwa chake, zingwe zosayaka moto zopangidwa ndi tepi ya mica zimagwiritsidwa ntchito m’malo awa: nsanja zokumira mafuta, nyumba zokwera kwambiri, malo opangira magetsi, njanji zapansi panthaka, mabizinesi ofunikira amigodi ndi migodi, malo apakompyuta, malo othamangitsira malo, malo olumikizirana, malo ankhondo, ndi makampani ofunikira komanso ogulitsa migodi Amakhudzana ndi chitetezo chamoto ndi kupulumutsa moto. Mica tepi ili ndi magwiridwe antchito komanso ntchito yabwino ndipo yakhala chida cha zingwe zosagwira moto.