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Why frequency furnace should be selected for foundry steelmaking?

Why frequency furnace should be selected for foundry steelmaking?

As a kind of metal material smelting equipment, the wapakatikati ng’anjo yamoto ili ndi izi:

1. Mfundo ya electromagnetic induction imagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga kutentha kwa thupi, kotero kuti kutentha kumathamanga, kusungunuka kumakhala kochepa, ndipo kutentha kwabwino kumakhala kwakukulu;

2. Kutentha kwamphamvu kumakhala koyera, palibe moto wochuluka ndi mpweya womwe umatulutsidwa panthawi yotentha, ndipo kuipitsidwa ndi kochepa, komwe kumachepetsa ndalama zogwiritsira ntchito zipangizo zotetezera chilengedwe;

3. Due to the development of electronic technology, the frequency conversion equipment has become more compact, portable, easy to control, easy to control the power of the smelting process or implement the automation of the smelting process;

4. Ndi bwino kusintha mitundu ya zitsulo zosungunuka, makamaka zoyenera kuponyera mayunitsi ndi magulu ang’onoang’ono ndi mitundu yambiri ya mankhwala;

Chifukwa cha zinthu zabwino za zipangizo zomwe tatchulazi, zakhala zikugwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri popanga kupanga.