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Why frequency furnace should be selected for foundry steelmaking?

Why frequency furnace should be selected for foundry steelmaking?

As a kind of metal material smelting equipment, the tungku frékuénsi panengah ngagaduhan ciri sapertos kieu:

1. Prinsip induksi éléktromagnétik dipaké pikeun nyieun panas awak muatan, jadi generasi panas gancang, daur lebur pondok, sarta efisiensi termal tinggi;

2. Énergi pemanasan bersih, teu aya jumlah badag seuneu jeung gas dipancarkeun salila prosés pemanasan, sarta polusi anu leutik, nu ngurangan investasi di alat panyalindungan lingkungan;

3. Due to the development of electronic technology, the frequency conversion equipment has become more compact, portable, easy to control, easy to control the power of the smelting process or implement the automation of the smelting process;

4. Éta merenah pikeun ngarobah jenis bahan logam smelted, utamana cocog pikeun casting unit kalawan bets leutik sarta sababaraha variétas produk;

Alatan sipat alus tina alat-alat di luhur-disebutkeun, éta geus loba dipaké dina produksi casting.