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Application of high frequency heating machine hot forging equipment

Kugwiritsa ntchito makina otenthetsera pafupipafupi hot forging equipment

The frequency is 16KHZ, and it can penetrate the workpiece with a diameter of about 60mm.

1. Chitsulo chachitsulo chimatenthedwa ndikupindika.

2. Standard mbali, diathermy kupanga zomangira.

3. Kutentha kwa diathermy kwa zida za hardware, monga pliers, wrenches ndi zina zotentha za diathermy kupanga.

4. Extrusion ya taper shank ya prospecting kubowola ndodo.

5, zitsulo chitoliro diathermy kupanga monga chigongono ndi zina zotero.

6. Hot upsetting of auto and motorcycle parts.

7. Hot upsetting of various mechanical parts.