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Application of high frequency heating machine hot forging equipment

Panerapan tina mesin pemanasan frékuénsi luhur hot forging equipment

The frequency is 16KHZ, and it can penetrate the workpiece with a diameter of about 60mm.

1. The plat baja dipanaskeun sarta ngagulung.

2. bagian baku, diathermy ngabentuk fasteners.

3. Panas diathermy pikeun parabot hardware, kayaning tang, wrenches na diathermy pemanasan séjén ngabentuk.

4. Tonjolan tina shank taper tina rod bor prospecting.

5, pipa baja diathermy ngabentuk kayaning siku jeung saterusna.

6. Hot upsetting of auto and motorcycle parts.

7. Hot upsetting of various mechanical parts.