- 16
- Nov
Kuyambitsa zida zozimitsa pafupipafupi
Kuyamba kwa zida zotseketsa pafupipafupi:
1. Using IGBT as the main device and full-bridge inverter, the protection function is perfect and the reliability is high.
2. Ikhoza kuyendetsedwa patali ndi kulumikizidwa ndi kuyeza kwa kutentha kwa infrared kuti izindikire kutentha kwadzidzidzi, kuwongolera kutentha kwabwino komanso kufewetsa ntchito za ogwira ntchito.
3. Bwezerani moto wa oxyacetylene, ng’anjo ya coke, ng’anjo yosambira yamchere, ng’anjo ya gasi, ng’anjo yamafuta ndi njira zina zotenthetsera.
4. It adopts automatic frequency tracking and multi-channel closed-loop control, which is easy to install and easy to operate.