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Kuunzwa kwepamusoro frequency quenching midziyo

Nhanganyaya ye yakakwira frequency kudzima michina:

1. Using IGBT as the main device and full-bridge inverter, the protection function is perfect and the reliability is high.

2. Inogona kudzorwa kure uye yakabatana ne infrared tembiricha kuyerwa kuona otomatiki tembiricha control, kunatsiridza kudziyisa kunaka uye kurerutsa kushanda kwevashandi.

3. Tsiva oxyacetylene murazvo, coke furnace, munyu bhati choto, gasi choto, oiri choto uye dzimwe nzira kupisa.

4. It adopts automatic frequency tracking and multi-channel closed-loop control, which is easy to install and easy to operate.