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Hordhaca qalabka deminta inta jeer ee sarreeya

Hordhac aaladaha bakhtiinta soo noqnoqoshada badan:

1. Using IGBT as the main device and full-bridge inverter, the protection function is perfect and the reliability is high.

2. Waxaa lagu xakameyn karaa meel fog oo lagu xiri karaa cabbirka heerkulka infrared si loo xaqiijiyo xakamaynta heerkulka tooska ah, hagaajinta tayada kuleylka iyo fududaynta hawlaha shaqaalaha.

3. Beddel ololka oxyacetylene, foornada coke, foornada qubeyska milixda, foornada gaaska, foornada saliidda iyo hababka kale ee kuleylka.

4. It adopts automatic frequency tracking and multi-channel closed-loop control, which is easy to install and easy to operate.