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Processo de tratamento térmico do forno de aquecimento por indução

Processo de tratamento térmico do forno de aquecimento por indução

The process method must be optimized and the desempenho do equipamento must be mastered.

When selecting the parameters of each section correctly, priority should be given to high efficiency and reliability. Heating insulation and cooling, the circulation is not sloppy. The composition of the steel has changed, and the phase transformation should be considered. Using calculated modulation parameters, the process is reliable and more suitable.

It is more scientific to distinguish between steel and steel. The heating temperature is very important, and the insulation time should be sufficient. [–] High alloy steel should be divided into sections, and slow heating is guaranteed. Overheating and overheating are disadvantageous, only more weighing is required.

O tempo de isolamento deve ser considerado, as condições de aquecimento e as condições. O número de peças e a espessura da parede, selecione o cálculo para captar o foco. Vários métodos podem ser selecionados para o controle de descarbonetação oxidativa. Criar anaeróbio é a chave, a melhor opção é o vácuo.

The parts are slender and vertical with many thin walls to prevent deformation. Attention should be paid to the sudden change of cross-section, heating and cooling protection.

O resfriamento é maior que o valor crítico e a obtenção da martensita é fundamental. O controle de resfriamento deve ser adequado, frio adequado e anti-rachaduras. Para

Garantir a dureza da base e revenir imediatamente para eliminar as tensões. A temperatura é ajustada à dureza, e o aço varia em diferentes revenimentos. Para

More tempering cannot be less, and the dimensional protection performance is stable. The brittleness of steel requires rapid cooling to ensure memory performance.

The hardness performance has a foundation, and the quantitative relationship can be converted. Master the process of science and practice more down-to-earth. Accumulated experience is more summarized, practical, fast and reliable.

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