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Reasons and solutions for the slow temperature rise of high temperature box-type resistance furnace

Reasons and solutions for the slow temperature rise of تيز گرمي پد باڪس-قسم مزاحمت فرنس

①The power supply voltage is normal and the controller works normally. It may be that part of the electric furnace wire is open, which can be checked with a multimeter and replaced with the same specification electric furnace wire.

②The power supply voltage is normal, but the working voltage of the high-temperature box-type resistance furnace is low. The reason may be that the voltage drop of the power supply line is too large or the socket and the control switch are in poor contact, which can be adjusted and replaced.

③The power supply voltage is lower than the normal voltage, and the heating power is insufficient when the high temperature box-type resistance furnace is working. It may be the lack of phase of the three-phase power supply, which can be adjusted and repaired.