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Detailed characteristics of steel rod heat treatment and complete equipment

Detailed characteristics of steel rod heat treatment and complete equipment

Analyze why steel rods need heat treatment and detailed application of complete equipment. Complete steel rod induction heat treatment equipment can perform surface quenching heat treatment on steel rods with a length of 2-12 meters and a diameter of 20 mm or more to improve their surface wear resistance and improve steel rods. This is the main reason why steel bars need to be heat treated.

The steel rod intermediate frequency heat treatment equipment produced by Songdao Technology is tailor-made for you according to your process and manufacturing requirements. The composition of the complete set of induction heating equipment for steel rod heat treatment:

1. Quenching + tempering IGBT ڊبل فريڪوئنسي انڊڪشن هيٽنگ پاور سپلائي:

2. Quenching + tempering induction حرارتي فرنس جسم

3. اسٽوريج ريڪ

4. پهچائڻ جو نظام

5. ڪونچنگ واٽر ٽانڪي (بشمول اسٽينلیس اسٽيل اسپري رنگ، فلو ميٽر ۽ فريڪوئنسي ڪنورشن رولر)

6. tempering فرنس ڪابينا (بشمول اسٽينلیس سٹیل پائپ، ڊبل فريڪوئنسي ڪيپيسيٽر ڪابينا گروپ، فريڪوئنسي ڪنورشن ڊرائيو)

7. ريڪ وصول ڪرڻ

8. انسان-مشين انٽرفيس PLC ماسٽر ڪنسول

9. Infrared درجه حرارت جي ماپ ۽ خودڪار درجه حرارت ڪنٽرول ڊوائيس

Features of Songdao Technology’s steel pipe heat treatment equipment

1. The steel rod intermediate frequency induction heat treatment equipment is controlled by a new IGBT air-cooled induction heating power supply, which has low power consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, and high production efficiency.

2. The steel bar heat treatment equipment of loose guide design adopts V-shaped rolls arranged diagonally in the transmission design to reduce radial runout.

3. تيز گرمي جي رفتار، گهٽ مٿاڇري جي آڪسائيڊشن، گھمڻ واري حرڪت واري عمل ۾ ٿڌڻ ۽ گرميء جي عمل ۾، ۽ اسٽيل کي سٺي سڌيء ريت آهي ۽ ٿڌڻ ۽ tempering کان پوء موڙيندڙ نه آهي.

4. گرميء جي علاج کان پوء، workpiece انتهائي اعلي سختي، microstructure جي هڪجهڙائي، انتهائي اعلي سختي ۽ اثر طاقت جي consistency آهي.

5. The PLC touch screen control system of the steel rod induction heat treatment equipment can record and save all the process parameters of induction hardening and tempering of the workpiece, which is convenient for you to view the historical records in the future.

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