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Low creep high alumina brick for hot blast stove

Low creep high alumina brick for hot blast stove

Low creep and اعلي الومينا برڪس are high-grade refractory materials made of alumina, fused corundum, and fused mullite as the main raw materials.

مضمونن جي

1. Refractoriness

The refractoriness of low-creep and high-alumina bricks is higher than that of clay bricks and semi-silica bricks, reaching 1750~1790℃, which is a high-grade refractory material.

2. لوڊ ڪريو نرمي وارو درجه حرارت

Becauseو ته اعلي الومينا جي شين ۾ اعلي Al2O3 ، گھٽ نجاستون ، ۽ گھٽ usارڻ وارا شيشي جا جسم آھن ، لوڊ نرم ڪرڻ وارو گرمي پد مٽيءَ جي سرن جي higherيٽ ۾ ويڪ آھي. بهرحال ، becauseاڪاڻ ته مولائيٽ ڪرسٽل نيٽ ورڪ جو formانچو نٿا ،اهين ، لوڊ نرم ڪرڻ وارو گرمي پد ا stillا تائين ايترو و notيڪ ناهي جيترو سلڪا برڪس.

3. سليگ مزاحمت

Low creep and high alumina bricks contain more Al2O3, which is close to neutral refractory materials, and can resist the erosion of acidic slag and alkaline slag. Because it contains SiO2, the ability to resist alkaline slag is weaker than that of acidic slag.


Mainly used for lining of blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace tops, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, and rotary kilns.

منصوبي گھٽ چرندڙ اعلي الومينا اينٽ
ڊي آر ايل -155 ڊي آر ايل -150 ڊي آر ايل -145 ڊي آر ايل -140 ڊي آر ايل -135 ڊي آر ايل -130 ڊي آر ايل -127
Al2O3 ، ≥ 75 75 65 65 65 60 50
Apparent porosity,% ≤ 20 21 22 22 22 22 23
گھڻي کثافت ، g/cm3 2.65-2.85 2.65-2.85 2.50-2.70 2.40-2.60 2.35-2.30 2.30-2.50 2.30-2.50
Compressive strength at room temperature, Mpa ≥ 60 60 60 55 55 55 50
Creep rate % (0.2Mpa,50h) ≤ 1550 سي
1500 سي
1450 سي
1400 سي
1350 سي
1300 سي
1270 سي
Change rate of reburning line % 1550℃,2h 0.1--0.2 0.1--0.2 0.1--0.2        
1450℃,2h       0.1--0.2 0.1--0.4 0.1--0.4 0.1--0.4