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Predvalková indukčná vykurovacia pec

Predvalková indukčná vykurovacia pec

Process parameters and process requirements of billet induction heating furnace:

2. Equipment name: billet induction heating furnace

3. Oceľové materiály: Q235q, Q345q, Q245R, A32, D32, A36, D36 atď.

4. Rozsah veľkosti predliatku: (6 mm × 6 mm)-(500 mm × 500 mm)

5. Rozsah dĺžky predvalkov: viac ako 2 metre

6. The steel billet has a large curvature before entering the furnace: there are different degrees of curvature according to the different steel types. What should I do if the curvature of the billet is greater than 3mm/m before entering the electric furnace? The billet induction heating furnace equipment we designed can meet your requirements by adjusting the size of the inductor according to the degree of bending of your steel grade.

7. Povrchová teplota vykurovacieho predvalku pred vstupom do pece a výstupná teplota predvalku: Navrhujeme a vyrábame podľa efektu, ktorý užívateľ potrebuje.

8. Steel billet continuous rolling heating furnace control system: PLC automatic control is realized in the whole heating process, and production records such as heating quantity are displayed in a timely manner. This console is used alone, with a specially customized man-machine interface, highly user-friendly operation instructions, all-digital, high-depth adjustable parameters, with one-key restore function, and simple operation.

9. Systém podávania a vedenia: každá os je poháňaná nezávislým motorovým reduktorom, je nastavený viacosový pohon a jeden frekvenčný menič je riadený na synchronizáciu viacosovej prevádzky. Komponenty sú vyberané od známych značiek a kvalita je spoľahlivá a prevádzka stabilná. Nemagnetické vodiace koleso z nehrdzavejúcej ocele 304 sa používa na udržanie strednej pružnosti v axiálnom smere vodiaceho kolesa, aby sa prispôsobilo ohybu v povolenom rozsahu predvalku.

10. The closed-loop temperature control of the billet induction heating furnace is composed of an American Leitai infrared thermometer and a German Siemens S7. The power supply is automatically adjusted according to the initial temperature and feed speed of the billet entering the induction heater, so that the heating temperature is out of the furnace. The front remains constant and the workpiece is heated evenly.

11. The capacitor cabinet and the furnace body cabinet of the billet induction heating furnace are designed separately (the location of the capacitor cabinet is in accordance with user requirements)

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