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Steel bar heat treatment line manufacturer

Steel bar heat treatment line manufacturer

The production needs of users are changing, the production technology is improving, and the performance and function of the required steel bar heat treatment line are also constantly improving. After a new type of steel bar heat treatment line was launched on the market, it was deeply loved by users. The effect of environmental protection and energy saving of the bar heat treatment line is good, and it has become the main choice of many users. We have many years of production experience in induction heating equipment, induction heat treatment equipment, quenching and tempering heat treatment production lines, forging diathermy equipment, and metal induction heating equipment, with perfect technology and guaranteed quality after-sales. The following is a brief introduction to the advantages of the steel bar heat treatment line.

High-quality features of steel bar heat treatment lines:

1. Systém napájania: zdroj kalenia + zdroj temperovania

2. Výkon za hodinu je 0.5-3.5 tony a použiteľný rozsah je nad ø20-ø120 mm.

3. Dopravný valčekový stôl: Os valčekového dopravníka a os obrobku zvierajú uhol 18-21°. Obrobok sa sám otáča a pohybuje sa dopredu konštantnou rýchlosťou, aby bol ohrev rovnomernejší. Valčekový stôl medzi telesami pece je vyrobený z nemagnetickej nehrdzavejúcej ocele 304 a je chladený vodou.

4. Zoskupenie valčekového stola: Podávacia skupina, skupina snímačov a vybíjacia skupina sú nezávisle riadené, čo prispieva k nepretržitému ohrevu bez vytvárania medzery medzi obrobkami.