- 21
- Dec
Nzira yekuziva sei kuchenesa uye kuchenesa nguva yefiriji?
How to determine the cleaning and cleaning frequency of the firiji?
1. The cleaning and cleaning frequency of the refrigerator should be determined according to the working intensity of the refrigerator and the working environment.
2. Maererano nezvikamu zvakasiyana-siyana, nguva yekuchenesa uye kuchenesa kutenderera kwakasiyanawo. Kune condenser, kana firiji iri kushanda kwenguva yakareba pasina kukanganisa, zvino ichava mazuva anenge 15-30 ekushanda. Kudzivirira kuchenesa uye kuchenesa kunofanira kuitwa maererano nemutoro wekushanda uye nzvimbo chaiyo yekushanda yekamuri yekombiyuta.
3. The more frequent the failure, the more the cleaning cycle of the refrigerator should be reduced, that is, the cleaning cycle of the refrigerator should be shortened. According to the cleaning frequency before the failure rate becomes higher, if the cleaning and cleaning is performed every six months before the failure rate increases, then the cleaning and cleaning frequency will be increased to about 3 months under the same work intensity. If the failure rate is uninterrupted for a long time If you use it, it should be cleaned and cleaned up once a month or even 15 days!