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Ndeapi matambudziko anofanirwa kutariswa mumvura yakavharwa kutonhora kwe induction melting vira?

Ndeapi matambudziko anofanirwa kutariswa mumvura yakavharwa kutonhora kwe induction melting vira?

1. When choosing cooling towers for multiple magetsi emagetsi, use the same type of electric furnace as much as possible.

2. Iyo pombi yemvura inoshandiswa pashongwe inotonhorera yevira remagetsi inofanira kufananidzwa neshongwe inotonhorera kuti ive nechokwadi chekuyerera, musoro uye zvimwe zvinodiwa maitiro.

3. Panguva yekuchengetedza uye kutakurwa kwezvinhu zvinotonhora zveshongwe yezvitofu zvemagetsi, hapana zvinhu zvinorema zvichaiswa pazviri, kwete kutarisana nezuva, uye kutarisa kudzivirira moto; hapana marimi akavhurika akadai semagetsi kana gasi welding achashandiswa panguva yekuisa, kutakura uye kugadzirisa shongwe yekutonhora, uye hapana firecracker ichadzimwa padyo. .

4. Nheyo yevira remagetsi yakavharwa kutonhora kwemvura inofananidzwa neinotonhora shongwe fan yechoto chemagetsi, iyo inogona kuve nechokwadi chekushanda kwenguva refu pasina kudengenyeka uye ruzha rusina kujairika, uye mashizha anopesana nekuputika kwemvura uye ane simba rakakwana.

5. Ndekupi musimboti wekutonhora kwemvura yakavharwa mumiviri yekunyungudika inoshandiswa? Kutonhodza shongwe dzemavira emagetsi haana simba rekushandisa uye mutengo wakaderera. Diki nepakati-saizi simbi furemu girazi kutonhora shongwe inodawo kureruka.

6. Cooling towers for electric furnaces should be avoided as far as possible from heat sources, waste gas and flue gas generating points, chemical storage places and coal piles.

7. Where is the principle of closed water cooling of induction melting furnace used? The distance between cooling towers for electric furnaces or between towers and other buildings should be considered in addition to the ventilation requirements of the tower and the interaction between the tower and the building, and the fire protection of the building should also be considered , Explosion-proof safety distance and cooling tower construction and inspection Click on the document link to view more information

8. Mhando yemvura yekupfapfaidza filler inoshandiswa mushongwe inotonhorera yevira remagetsi inosangana nezvinodiwa zvemhando yemvura uye tembiricha yemvura.

9. Iyo inotonhorera shongwe yechoto chemagetsi ine yunifomu yekugovera mvura, kuderera kwemadziro kuyerera, zvine musoro kusarudzwa kwezvishandiso zvinoputika, uye hazvisi nyore kuvharika.

10. Zvigadzirwa zvemuviri weshongwe yeshongwe inotonhorera yevira remagetsi inofanira kunge yakagadzikana, yakasimba uye isingadziviriri.