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Masalah naon anu kedah diperhatoskeun dina cooling cai katutup tina tungku lebur induksi?

Masalah naon anu kedah diperhatoskeun dina cooling cai katutup tina tungku lebur induksi?

1. Lamun milih cooling munara pikeun sababaraha tungku listrik, make tipe sarua tungku listrik saloba mungkin.

2. The water pump used for the cooling tower of the electric furnace should be matched with the cooling tower to ensure the flow rate, head and other process requirements.

3. Salila neundeun jeung angkutan komponén munara cooling pikeun furnaces listrik, euweuh objék beurat bakal disimpen dina eta, teu paparan panonpoé, sarta perhatian ka pencegahan seuneu; Henteu aya seuneu anu kabuka sapertos las listrik atanapi gas kedah dianggo nalika pamasangan, transportasi sareng pangropéa menara pendingin, sareng teu aya petasan anu kedah dipareuman caket dieu. .

4. The principle of electric furnace closed water cooling is matched with the cooling tower fan of the electric furnace, which can ensure long-term normal operation without vibration and abnormal noise, and the blades are resistant to water erosion and have sufficient strength.

5. Dimana prinsip cooling cai katutup dina tungku lebur induksi dipaké? Cooling munara pikeun furnaces listrik teu boga konsumsi kakuatan sarta béaya rendah. munara cooling kaca pigura baja leutik tur sedeng-ukuran ogé merlukeun beurat hampang.

6. Cooling towers for electric furnaces should be avoided as far as possible from heat sources, waste gas and flue gas generating points, chemical storage places and coal piles.

7. Dimana prinsip cooling cai katutup tina tungku lebur induksi dipaké? Jarak antara munara cooling pikeun furnaces listrik atawa antara munara jeung wangunan séjén kudu dianggap salian syarat ventilasi munara jeung interaksi antara munara jeung wangunan, sarta panyalindungan seuneu wangunan ogé kudu dianggap , Explosion- jarak kaamanan buktina jeung konstruksi munara cooling jeung inspeksi Klik dina link dokumen pikeun nempo inpo nu leuwih lengkep

8. Jinis filler nyemprot cai dipaké dina munara cooling tina tungku listrik meets sarat kualitas cai sarta suhu cai.

9. The cooling tower for electric furnace has uniform water distribution, less wall flow, reasonable selection of splashing devices, and is not easy to be blocked.

10. The structural material of the tower body of the cooling tower for the electric furnace should be stable, durable and corrosion-resistant.