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Njodzi uye nzira dzekurapa dzechando muindasitiri inotonhora

Njodzi uye nzira dzekurapa dzechando muindasitiri inotonhora

apo kushandisa chiller, nokuti marudzi akasiyana-siyana emhepo inotonhorera inotonhorera ichava nemhando dzekutadza kwechando, zvakakosha kuti usarudze rudzi rwechigadzirwa rwakakodzera maererano nehukuru hwekushandiswa kwekambani kwenzvimbo usati washandisa midziyo. Kukwanisa kuona nekufamba kwenguva kuti midziyo inogona kuzadzisa kudiwa kwekushandisa nzvimbo inogona kuwedzera hupenyu hwesevhisi yekutonhora, kudzivirira kupfupikiswa kwehupenyu hwesevhisi hwechiller nekuda kwekuderera kwemitengo uye zvimwe zvikonzero, uye kunyange kukonzera mamwe makambani kutadza kushandisa chiller kazhinji.

Kupfuura 90% yekutonhora kuchave nekutadza kwechando


Nekuda kwesimba rezvinhu zvakaita semidziyo uye nharaunda yekushandisa, chero chiller ichave nekutadza kwechando panguva yekushandiswa. Kana chando chechando chiri chakakomba, unofanirwa kutarisa zvakanyatsonaka usati waita chiller, uye iwe unogona kuwana uye kubata nezvikanganiso zvechando zvemhando dzakasiyana-siyana munguva yekuchengetedza kushanda kwakasimba kwenguva refu kwemidziyo. Kana kugadzikana kwekushanda kwemidziyo kuchiramba kuchiwedzera, mukana wekutadza kwechando che chiller unoramba uchidzikira.

Nzira uye hunyanzvi hwekutarisana nekutadza kwechando

If the chiller has a frost failure, in order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the equipment, it is necessary to use professional methods to complete the troubleshooting process in time. If it is impossible to prevent the equipment from continuing to produce frosting faults by stopping the machine, there must be a fault in the parts of the equipment, which needs to be dealt with in time. If the best timing is wrong, the safety of the chiller will inevitably be affected, and even the energy consumed by the equipment will continue to increase, which is not conducive to the long-term use of the chiller.

Frosting injodzi huru uye inoda kugadziriswa nenguva

In the event of frosting failure, in order to avoid affecting the operation stability of the equipment, it is necessary to adjust the operation time of the equipment in time, and make a use plan suitable for the enterprise when using the chiller. It can avoid equipment overload operation, which can reduce equipment frosting failures, thereby prolonging the service life of equipment and reducing the cost of using chillers for enterprises.