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Introduction to the scope of use of muffle furnace

Introduction to the scope of use of muffle vira

muffle furnace is a cyclically operating general heating equipment, which can be used in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprises and scientific research units for elemental analysis and heating of small steel parts in the process of quenching, annealing and tempering. It has a wide range of applications, so let’s take a look at it together.

(1) Thermal processing yezvidiki zvekushanda, simende uye maindasitiri ezvivakwa zvekuvaka.

(2) Indasitiri yemishonga: kuongororwa kwezvinodhaka, kurapwa sampuli yekurapa, nezvimwe.

(3) Analytical Chemistry: Sample processing mumunda wekuongorora kwehutano hwemvura uye kuongorora kwezvakatipoteredza. Iyo muffle vira inogona zvakare kushandiswa petroleum uye kuongororwa kwayo.

(4) Kuongorora kwemhando yemarasha: inoshandiswa kuona hunyoro, madota, kunyungudika kwemukati, madota anonyungudika, kuongororwa kwemadota, kuongororwa kwechinhu. Inogona zvakare kushandiswa seyakajairwa ash vira.

The above is the content of the high-temperature muffle furnace manufacturer’s analysis this time. If you need a muffle furnace, you can consult us.