- 21
- Feb
Nzira dzekugadzirisa matambudziko dzekuyedza-tembiricha dzemagetsi emagetsi
Maitiro ekugadzirisa matambudziko ekuedza high-tembiricha magetsi emagetsi
1. Hapana chiratidziro paunotanga, uye chiratidzo chesimba hachivhenekeri: chengetedza kana mutsara wemagetsi wakasimba; ingave iyo inodonha uye yedunhu inotyora muchengeti switch kuseri kwechiridzwa chiri mu “pa” chinzvimbo; kana fuse inogona kuridzwa.
2 .Continuous alarm at power-on: Press the “Start-in” button in the initial state. If the temperature is greater than 1000°C, the thermocouple is disconnected. Check whether the thermocouple is intact and whether the wiring is in good contact.
3. Mushure mokupinda muyedzo yekuedza, chiratidzo che “kupisa” pane panhizha chiripo, asi kutonhora hakusimuki: chengetedza relay yakasimba.
4. Mushure mokushandura simba rechiridzwa, kupisa kwechoto kunokwira nguva nenguva apo chiratidzo chekupisa chinenge chadzimwa mumamiriro ezvinhu asiri ekuedza: Kuyera mhepo pamagumo ose etambo yevira. Kana paine 220V AC voltage, iyo solid state relay inokuvadzwa. Shandura kune imwecheteyo modhi Ndizvo.