- 09
- Mar
Ndeapi maitiro ebhokisi-mhando yekupikisa furnaces
Ndeapi maitiro e bhokisi-mhando yekudzivirira mavira
Rudzi rwebhokisi-mhando yekupikisa furnaces inoshandiswa ichiri yakakura. Ngatitarisei maitiro ayo nhasi:
1. The furnace door is designed to make the operation of opening the door safe and simple, and to ensure that the high-temperature hot air in the furnace does not leak out.
2. Microcomputer PID controller, nyore kushanda, yakavimbika uye yakachengeteka.
3, corrosion-resistant uye lightweight vira kuti ive nechokwadi chekugara.
4. The excellent door seal makes the heat loss small and increases the uniformity of the temperature in the furnace chamber of the box-type resistance furnace.
Chengetedzo basa rebhokisi-mhando yekudzivirira choto:
1. Ingovhura gonhi rechoto panguva yekushanda, uye chevheni chekuchengetedza mukova wechoto chichazvigura pakarepo simba rekupisa kuti rive nechokwadi chekuchengetedzwa kweanoshanda.
2. Zviyero zvakasiyana-siyana zvekuchengetedza zvakadai se overcurrent, overvoltage uye overheating zvinopiwa kuti zvive nechokwadi chekushandiswa kwakachengeteka kwemagetsi emagetsi.
3. Ceramic fiberboard inosarudzwa sechinhu chinonzi thermal insulation material, iyo ine maitiro ehutano hwakanaka hwekupisa uye kupisa kwepamusoro kwebhokisi rebhokisi. Kusarudzwa kwevira (vashandisi vanogona kusarudza zvinoenderana nezvavanoda):
4. The refractory zvidhinha choto rakagadzirwa zvechinyakare refractory zvinhu, iyo ine hunhu hwehupamhi hwemashandisirwo emhando, hupenyu hurefu uye kudhura kwekuita.
Precautions and maintenance of box-type resistance furnace:
1. When the electric furnace is used once or used again after a long period of inactivity, it must be oven dried. Oven temperature and time.
2. When using box-type resistance furnace electric furnace, the furnace temperature should not exceed the rated temperature, so as not to damage the heating element, and it is forbidden to directly pour various liquids and dissolved metals into the furnace to ensure the cleanliness of the furnace.
3. Paunenge uchibatanidza magetsi, mutsara wechikamu uye mutsara wepakati haugoni kuchinjwa, kana zvisina kudaro zvichakanganisa kushanda kwechigadziro chekushisa uye pachava nengozi yemagetsi.
4. Waya inobatanidza thermocouple kune tembiricha controller inofanira kushandisa waya yekubhadhara kubvisa pesvedzero inokonzerwa nekushanduka kwekushisa kwenzvimbo inotonhora.
5. Kuti uve nechokwadi chekushanda kwakachengeteka, zvose vira remagetsi uye tembiricha controller dzimba dzinofanira kunge dzakavimbika pasi.
6. Zvinorambidzwa kuisa zvinhu zvinopisa pedyo nechoto.
7. Hapana guruva rinoita, gasi rinoputika kana gasi rinopisa rinogona kukuvadza zvakanyanya simbi uye kuvhara kumativi ebhokisi-mhando yekudzivirira moto.
8. Bhokisi-mhando yehuni yekupikisa inofanira kugara ichitariswa panguva yekushandiswa kuitira kudzivirira kudarika-kupisa kubva pakupera kwekutonga.