- 11
- May
Mabhenefiti mashanu esimbi shell induction inonyungudutsa choto
Five advantages of steel shell induction melting furnace:
Chekutanga: Deko resimbi kudonhedzwa kunyorera vira inogara yakasimba uye yakanaka, kunyanya iyo yakakura-yakakura yevira muviri, iyo inoda yakasimba yakasimba yakaomeswa chimiro. Kubva pakuchengetedza kwekuona kwechoto chinorereka, shandisa simbi yegoko remoto zvakanyanya sezvinobvira.
Second: The yoke made of silicon steel sheet shields and emits the magnetic field lines generated by the induction coil, reduces magnetic flux leakage, improves thermal efficiency, increases output, and saves about 5%-8%.
Third: The presence of the steel shell induction melting furnace cover reduces the heat loss and improves the safety of the equipment.
Chechina: Iyo simbi shell induction yekunyungudutsa muvira ine hupenyu hurefu hwesevhisi, uye aruminiyamu inoiswa oxidized zvakanyanya pakupisa kwakanyanya, zvichikonzera kuneta kwekuoma kwesimbi. Panzvimbo yekuvamba, zvinowanzoonekwa kuti goko realuminium shell furnace rakashandiswa kwerinenge gore rinenge rakashata, uye simbi yegomba choto ine shoma remagineti inobuda, uye hupenyu hwesevhisi hwemidziyo yakawanda. yakareba kupfuura iyo yealuminium shell furnace.
Fifth: The safety performance of steel shell induction melting furnace The steel shell furnace is much better than the aluminum shell furnace. The aluminum shell is easily deformed due to high temperature and heavy pressure during melting, and the safety is poor. The steel shell furnace uses hydraulic tilting furnace, which is safe and reliable.