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High pressure steel wire braided hydraulic hose

High pressure steel wire braided hydraulic hose

A. Product structure:

The structure of the high-pressure steel wire braided rubber hose is composed of liquid-resistant synthetic rubber inner rubber layer, middle rubber layer, 1 or 2 or 3 steel wire braided reinforcement layers, and the outer rubber layer is composed of excellent synthetic rubber.

B. Chigadzirwa chinoshandiswa:

High-pressure steel wire braided hydraulic rubber hoses are mainly used for mine hydraulic supports and oilfield mining. They are suitable for engineering construction, lifting and transportation, metallurgical forging, mining equipment, ships, injection molding machinery, agricultural machinery, various machine tools, and the mechanization and automation of various industrial sectors. The hydraulic system transports petroleum-based (such as mineral oil, soluble oil, hydraulic oil, fuel, lubricating oil) liquid, water-based liquid (such as emulsion, oil-water emulsion, water), gas, etc. and liquid with a certain pressure and temperature For transmission.

C. Working temperature:

Oil -40°C—+100°C, air -30°C—+50°C, water emulsion +80°C or less, please use our special products if you exceed it.

D. Product features:

1. Iyo hosi inogadzirwa neyakagadzirwa rabha uye ine mafuta uye kupisa kupisa.

2. Iyo hosi ine yakanyanya kumanikidza uye yekumhanyisa kuita.

3. Iyo tube yemuviri yakanyatsobatanidzwa, yakapfava mukushandisa, uye diki mukushomeka pasi pekumanikidza.

4. The hose has bending resistance and fatigue resistance.

5. The length of the steel wire braided hose is large, the length of φ32 is 20 meters, and the length of φ25 can be up to 10 meters to 100 meters.

E. Technical performance index of high pressure steel wire braided hydraulic hose (diameter φ5-51, φ51-127


Layers*Diameter*Pressure Inner diameter of hose( mm) Rokunze dhayamita hosipaipi (mm) Wire rukoko dhayamita (mm) Basa kumanikidzwa, MPa) Diki kuputika kumanikidza (MPa) Small vakakotamisa nharaunda (mm) kureva uremu (makirogiramu / m)
1-5-21 5 ± 0.5 12.7 ± 0.8 9.5 ± 0.6 21 63 90 0.25
1-6-21 6 ± 0.5 16 + 1.0 11.7 ± 0.6 20 60 100 0.34
1-8-17.5 8 ± 0.5 18 + 1.0 13.7 ± 0.6 17.5 52.5 115 0.42
1-10-16 10 ± 0.5 20 + 1.0 15.7 ± 0.6 16 48 130 0.47
1-13-14 13 ± 0.5 24 + 1.2 19.7 ± 0.8 14 42 180 0.64
1-16-12 16 ± 0.5 27 + 1.2 22.7 ± 0.8 12 36 205 0.70
1-19-10 19 ± 0.5 30 + 1.2 25.7 ± 0.8 10 30 240 0.84
1-22-9 22 ± 0.5 33 + 1.2 28.7 ± 0.8 9 27 280 0.95
1-25-8 25 ± 0.5 37 + 1.2 32.2 ± 0.8 8 24 300 1.09
1-32-6 32 ± 0.7 44 + 1.5 39.2 ± 0.8 6 18 420 1.38
1-38-5 38 ± 0.7 50 + 1.5 45.2 ± 0.8 5 15 500 1.80
1-51-4 51 ± 1.0 63 + 1.5 58.2 ± 0.8 4 15 630 2.30
2-5-60 5 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 0.8 11.2 ± 0.6 60 150 90 0.40
2-6-60 6 ± 0.5 18 + 1.0 13.5 ± 0.6 60 150 100 0.45
2-8-50 8 ± 0.5 20 + 1.0 15.5 ± 0.6 50 125 115 0.62
2-10-40 10 ± 0.5 22 + 1.0 17.5 ± 0.6 40 100 130 0.71
2-13-30 13 ± 0.5 26 + 1.2 21.5 ± 0.8 30 90 180 0.93
2-16-21 16 ± 0.5 29 + 1.2 24.5 ± 0.8 21 63 205 1.00
2-19-18 19 ± 0.5 32 + 1.2 27.5 ± 0.8 18 54 240 1.23
2-22-16 22 ± 0.5 35 + 1.2 30.5 ± 0.8 16 48 270 1.38
2-25-14 25 ± 0.5 39 + 1.2 34 ± 0.8 14 42 300 1.54
2-32-11 32 ± 0.7 46 + 1.5 41 ± 0.8 11 33 420 1.92
2-38-10 38 ± 0.7 52 + 1.5 42 ± 0.8 10 30 500 2.44
2-51-8 51 ± 0.7 65 + 1.5 60 ± 0.8 8 24 630 3.28
3-5-72 5 ± 0.5 17 ± 0.8 13.2 ± 0.6 72 180 120 0.5
3-6-68 6 ± 0.5 19? + 1.0 15 ± 0.6 68 170 140 0.56
3-8-54 8 ± 0.5 22 + 1.0 17.5 ± 0.6 54 120 160 0.83
3-10-44 10 ± 0.5 24 + 1.0 19.5 ± 0.6 44 110 180 0.95
3-13-32 13 ± 0.5 28 + 1.2 23.5 ± 0.8 32 96 240 1.22
3-16-23 16 ± 0.5 31 + 1.2 26.5 ± 0.8 23 69 300 1.3
3-19-20 19 ± 0.5 34 + 1.2 29.5 ± 0.8 20 60 330 1.62
3-22-18 22 ± 0.5 37 + 1.2 32.5 ± 0.8 18 54 380 1.81
3-25-16 25 ± 0.5 41 + 1.2 36.0 ± 0.8 16 48 400 1.99
3-32-13 32 ± 0.7 48 + 1.5 43.0 ± 0.8 13 39 450 2.46
3-38-12 38 ± 0.7 54 + 1.5 49.0 ± 0.8 12 36 500 3.08
3-51-10 51 ± 1.0 67 + 1.5 62.0 ± 0.8 10 30 630 3.96
3-32-13 32 ± 0.7 46 + 1.5 41 ± 0.8 11 33 420 1.92
3-38-12 38 ± 0.7 52 + 1.5 42 ± 0.8 10 30 500 2.44
3-51-10 51 ± 0.7 65 + 1.5 60 ± 0.8 8 24 630 3.28
1-45-5 45 ± 0.7 57 + 1.5 52 ± 0.8 5 15 600 2.04
2-45-11 45 ± 0.7 59 + 1.5 54 ± 0.8 11 33 630 3.08
1-64-2.5 64 ± 1.0 75 ± 1.5 71 ± 0.8 2.5 3.75 770 3.00
1-76-1.5 76 ± 1.0 88 + 1.0 84 ± 0.6 1.5 4.5 930 3.50
1-89-1 89 ± 1.0 103 + 1.0 99 ± 0.6 1 3 1100 4.40
1-102-0.8 102 ± 0.5 115 + 1.0 111 ± 0.6 0.8 2.4 1250 5.00
2-64-5 64 ± 0.5 79 + 1.2 74 ± 0.8 5 15 790 3.74
2-76-4 76 ± 0.5 92 + 1.2 86 ± 0.8 4 12 920 4.77
2-89-3 89 ± 0.5 106 + 1.2 99 ± 0.8 3.5 10.5 1060 5.73
2-102-2.5 102 ± 0.5 118 + 1.2 112 ± 0.8 3 9 1200 6.16
3-64-6 64 ± 1 80 + 1.2 75 ± 0.8 6 18 790 4.72
3-76-5 76 ± 1 92 + 1.2 88 ± 0.8 5 15 960 5.69
3-89-4 89 ± 1 107 + 1.5 101 ± 0.8 4 12 1100 6.8
3-102-3 102 ± 1 120 + 1.5 114 ± 0.8 3 9 1280 7.34
3-127-2.5 127 ± 1 145 + 1.5 139 ± 0.8 2.5 7.5 1560 8.45