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Axle inodzima uye kupisa mutsara wekugadzira

Axle inodzima uye kupisa mutsara wekugadzira

Find a professional manufacturer for the axle quenching and tempering production line. China Luoyang Songdao Technology has established a factory for more than 20 years, focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of induction heating equipment and induction heat treatment equipment. It has rich experience and strong strength. It is the common choice of 200,000+ customers. In addition, direct sales are also Songdao Technology. The extra points of the product, the delivery time, now coincides with the double festival, the promotion of equipment purchase activities, specific axle quenching and tempering production line prices, please click on the online consultation to understand, the sales manager will contact you at any time, and provide tailor-made services.


Features of axle kudzima uye kutsamwa yekugadzira mutsara:

1. Adopt energy-saving IGBT induction heating power control, low power consumption, high production efficiency and high cost performance.

2. Kubudirira kwekugadzirwa kwepamusoro: kushandisa munhu-muchina interface PLC automatic intelligent control system, ine imwe-kiyi yekutanga basa, munhu mumwe chete anogona kushanda yose yekugadzira nzira yeaxle quenching uye tempering mutsara wekugadzira.

3. Kuendesa tafura yeroller: Iyo axis yetafura ye roller uye axis ye workpiece inoumba kona ye 18-21 °. Iyo workpiece inotenderera ichienda kumberi nekumhanya kunogara kuchiita kuti kupisa kuwedzere yunifomu. Tafura yeroller pakati pemiviri yevira inogadzirwa ne304 isiri-magnetic simbi isina tsvina uye mvura-yakatonhorera.

4. Roller table grouping: boka rekudya, boka rekunzwa uye boka rekubudiswa rinotungamirirwa zvakasununguka, izvo zvinoita kuti urambe uchipisa pasina kukonzera kusiyana pakati pekushanda.

5. Yakavharwa-loop tembiricha kudzora ekisero quenching uye tempering kugadzira mutsara: zvose quenching uye tempering atore American Raytai infrared thermometer akavhara-loop control system kuti zvakarurama kudzora tembiricha.

6. Industrial computer system: chaiyo-nguva inoratidzira yemazuva ano yekushanda parameters, workpiece parameter memory, kuchengetedza, kudhinda, kukanganisa kuratidzwa, alarm nemamwe mabasa.

China Songdao Technology’s inyanzvi ekisero yekudzima uye kudziya kupisa kupisa michina yekugadzira, yekare brand bhizinesi, uye mainjiniya ane hunyanzvi anogona kugadzirisa akakodzera induction kudziyisa michina, induction yekupisa michina yekurapa, uye diathermic forging michina yako zvinoenderana nezvaunoda kuti usangane nemaitiro ako akasiyana. Inoita kuti pave nepurofiti yakakura. Kubvunzurudza parunhare, mainjiniya ehunyanzvi anokupa yemahara axle kudzimisa uye kudziya yekugadzira mutsara quotation uye sarudzo yehurongwa.