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Zvinodiwa pakugadzirwa kwechirimwa kwe induction melting furnace

Zvinodiwa pakugadzirwa kwechirimwa kwe induction melting furnace

(1) Iyo yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi uye muripo capacitor kabati inofanirwa kuve yakasarudzika kubva kune kudonhedzwa kunyorera vira to prevent high temperature, moisture, dust and corrosive gas from immersing the intermediate frequency power supply and intermediate frequency capacitors to reduce equipment failures and extend the service life of the equipment.

(2) Iyo yekubatanidza tambo pakati peiyo induction yakanyunguduka yevira muviri uye muripo capacitor cabinet inofanira kunge ipfupi sezvinobvira kuderedza kurasikirwa nekuvandudza kushanda kwemagetsi kwemidziyo.

(3) The busbar bracket of the induction melting furnace or the inductor cannot form a loop to prevent the induction of intermediate frequency current during operation, which may cause the bracket to heat up.

(4) Sezvo zvikamu zvakawanda uye zvikamu zvehuni yekunyungudutsa induction zvakanyoroveswa nemvura, hazvigoneki kuti pachava nekudonha kwemvura. Naizvozvo, yakanaka uye yakavimbika drainage uye kufefetera mudziyo unodiwa.

(5) Iyo workshop uye yepakati frequency magetsi magetsi anofanirwa kuve ega uye kutaurirana kune mumwe nemumwe kuitira kuti vashandi vanzwisise kushanda kwemidziyo chero nguva.

(6) Panofanira kuva nenzvimbo yakavimbika yekuchengetedza mvura. Kana paine kamwe kamwe kucheka kwemvura kana kudzimwa kwemagetsi, inogona kuve nechokwadi chekuti sensor chikamu hachizogurwa uye chinogona kuramba chakanyatso kutonhorera.

(7) Emergency jenareta seti kana yakakwirira-yepamusoro tangi yemvura inofanira kunge yakashongedzerwa. .

(8) The induction melting furnace should be as close as possible to the power supply and water source. It is best to equip a transformer separately to reduce the impact of harmonics on other electrical equipment. For induction melting furnaces with power greater than 500KW, special rectifier transformers should be used to reduce the impact of harmonics on the power grid.