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Advantages of continuous casting billet heating furnace

Faa’iidooyinka foornada kululaynta billet tuurista joogtada ah:

1. The continuous casting billet foornada kululaynta has different degrees of curvature according to different steel types. If the steel billet has a curvature greater than 3mm/m before entering the electric furnace, you can adjust the size of the inductor to meet your requirements according to your steel grade.

2. Heerkulka dusha sare ka hor inta aan la gelin foornada iyo heerkulka ka baxa billet: Waxaan naqshadeyneynaa oo soo saareynaa si waafaqsan baahida isticmaalaha. Billet-ka si isku mid ah ayaa loo kululeeyaa, iyada oo aan guban, dildilaac la’aan, iyo xoogga jilicsanaanta iyo toosnaanta ayaa dabooli kara baahida isticmaalayaasha.

3. Geedi socodka kuleyliyaha oo dhan ee foornada kululaynta billet ee joogtada ah waxay xaqiiqsatay PLC xakamaynta tooska ah, waxayna soo bandhigaysaa diiwaanada wax soo saarka sida tirada kuleylka waqtigeeda. Console-kan waxa keligiis loo istcmaallay, oo leh is-dhexgal mashiinka-mashiinka si gaar ah loo habeeyey, hab-raac adeegsi-saaxiibtinimo oo heer sare ah, iyo hawlgal fudud.

4. Feeding and guiding system: each axis is driven by an independent motor reducer, multi-axis drive is set, and a single inverter is controlled to synchronize the multi-axis operation. The components are high-quality components, reliable in quality, and stable in operation. 304 non-magnetic stainless steel guide wheel is used to maintain moderate elasticity in the axial direction of the guide wheel to adapt to the bending within the allowable range of the billet.

5. Closed-loop temperature control. The closed-loop control system is composed of American Leitai infrared thermometer and German Siemens S7. According to the initial temperature and feed rate of the billet entering the induction heater, the power supply is automatically adjusted to keep the heating temperature constant before being discharged. The workpiece is heated evenly.

6. The continuous casting billet heating furnace adopts intermediate frequency double rectification twelve-pulse or twenty-four-pulse KGPS100-1000KW single power supply for independent use or multiple power supplies for parallel use. Users can rest assured to use, safe and reliable, energy saving and environmental protection, simple operation.