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Sida loo shaqeeyo si sax ah oo macquul ah si loo kordhiyo nolosha adeegga foornada korontada ee heerkulka sare?

Sida si sax ah oo macquul ah loogu shaqeeyo si loo kordhiyo nolosha adeegga heerkulka sare foornada korontada?

1. Xaaladaha caadiga ah, ka hor inta aanad shaqayn foornada korontada kuleylkeedu sarreeyo iyo foornada soo noqnoqda dhexdhexaadka ah, hubi in socodka biyaha ee nidaamka qaboojinta biyaha ay tahay mid aan xannibnayn, haddii cadaadiska biyaha qaboojinta iyo heerkulka ay caadi yihiin, haddii ay jiraan biyo daadsan, iyo haddii ay jiraan nidaamka hydraulic si caadi ah u shaqayn karaa.

2.When operating the high-temperature electric furnace, be careful not to touch it randomly, operate by one person, and supervise by one person, and it is strictly forbidden to enter the machine room to prevent electric shock. During the smelting process, dry melt should be used, and the material should be discharged lightly and frequently added. When the melt in the furnace is melted to meet the needs, it should be poured out in time to avoid high temperature and increase the loss of the furnace lining;

3. Observe frequently. When you find that there is redness on the outside of the furnace body of the high-temperature electric furnace, this is a precursor to the furnace leakage. Measures such as shutting down the intermediate frequency power supply and pouring the molten material in the furnace should be taken in time to avoid the occurrence of furnace leakage accidents.

4. Waxa kale oo xusid mudan marka la isticmaalayo in marka la ogaado in dahaarka foornada uu aad u dhuuban yahay oo aan si joogto ah loo isticmaali karin, waa in la jejebiyaa dahaarka foornada oo lagu beddelaa mid cusub si looga hortago shilalka ka soo baxa foornada.