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Tallaabooyinka hawlgalka ee qalabka mashiinka (sariir) hagaha tareenka qalabka deminta ultrasonic

Tallaabooyinka hawlgalka ee machine tool (bed) guide rail ultrasonic quenching equipment

1. Marka hore, geli badhamada qaybta hawlgalka ee booska ON.

2. Qalabka hagaajinta korantada waxaa lagu hagaajin karaa booska dhexe marka hore.

3. The equipment is adjusted to one end of the workpiece (bed), and the sensor is aligned with the quenching surface. If the sensor sprays water to the left, the sensor moves to the left end of the workpiece, and the equipment moves to the right for quenching. If the water spray direction of the sensor is sprayed to the right, the sensor will move to the right end of the workpiece and move from the right end to the left end for quenching.

4. Shaqada diyaarinta waa la sameeyay, shid furaha buufinta biyaha, ka dibna riix batoonka kuleylka si aad u bilowdo kuleylka. Riix badhanka bidix ee hore ama midig mar labaad si aad u dhaqaajiso qalabka.

5. U fiirso heerkulka kuleylka. Marka heerkulku hooseeyo, waxaad si tartiib tartiib ah u hagaajin kartaa burta korantada heerkul ku habboon.

6. Marka awoodda lagu hagaajiyo xadka sare iyo heerkulka deminta aan la gaari karin, xawaaraha dhaqdhaqaaqa dhererka waa in si habboon loo dhimaa.

7. Demi korontada ka dib marka la dhammeeyo deminta.