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What are the structural characteristics of the muffle furnace

What are the structural characteristics of the пригушити пећи

In some production tests, everyone knows that the muffle furnace is mainly used for experiments. It is mostly used for quantitative analysis of sintering and ashing tests. It is a kind of intermittent resistance furnace. Nowadays, it is used in experiments and small batch production in universities, colleges, industrial and mining enterprises, etc. The structural features are as follows:

1. The muffle furnace adopts silicon carbide inner lining and full fiber insulation layer.

2. The muffle furnace hearth material is made of ceramic fiber, with small heat capacity, fast heating (the set temperature can be reached in 30 minutes), short cycle, and energy saving (the energy saving effect is more than 80 of the ordinary old electric furnace).

3. Користећи интелигентни дигитални дисплеј програмабилни мерач за контролу температуре, може да састави вишестепене криве пораста температуре, задржавања и хлађења, аутоматског грејања, очувања топлоте, хлађења и заштите од превисоке температуре и аутоматски се зауставља на крају програма, не треба дежурати.

4. Грејни елемент пригушне пећи користи жицу отпорности на високе температуре и поставља се на зид пећи на плитко закопан начин да формира грејну плочу, што је погодно и безбедно за употребу.

5. Може се конфигурисати помоћу програмабилног инструмента за контролу температуре, а РС485 интерфејс се може конфигурисати за даљинско управљање и прикупљање података електричне пећи. Или конфигуришите рекордер подешавања кружног графикона за праћење и снимање процеса топлотне обраде.

The high-temperature muffle furnace adopts natural air heat insulation type, which is light and easy to handle. The heating speed is fast, and it only takes about 30 minutes to rise to 1100°C. The furnace is heated by radiation on both sides, and the temperature is evenly distributed. Imported high temperature resistant ceramic wool insulation and ceramic board, high aluminum wool triple insulation. The interior is made of high-temperature resistant ceramic plates, which are not easy to deform, and the exterior is galvanized and high-temperature baking paint is beautiful, and the paint is not easy to fall off.