- 29
- Apr
The Development and Progress of Induction Furnace Ramming Materials on the Road of Science
The Development and Progress of Induction Furnace Ramming Materials on the Road of Science
Induction furnace ramming material is composed of silica sand, binder, boric acid, etc. The main components and mineral composition are relatively simple. It has been found through practice that if the ramming material of the quartz sand induction furnace is simply used, the service life of the furnace lining is still unsatisfactory no matter how the ratio is changed. The simple siliceous material furnace lining is not very ideal and cannot satisfy the smelting products.
In order to meet the needs of the majority of users for the production of smelted products, the majority of engineers and technicians have developed a new type of composite siliceous refractory after years of research on the basis of siliceous materials. The advent of this material has solved the problem of smelting furnace age. Low, anti-erosion, anti-corrosion melting problem.
The mineral composition of the ramming material for quartz sand induction furnace: it is made of quartz, ceramic composite binder, fused quartz, impermeable agent and other materials. It has the following characteristics after being verified by many enterprises of large tonnage and small tonnage:
1) Синтеровани слој је танак;
2) Побољшати термичку ефикасност;
3) Физичке и хемијске промене су мале на високим температурама;
4) Добре перформансе очувања топлоте;
5) Облога има добру густину пора и мали коефицијент експанзије;
6) Електрична и топлотна проводљивост су мале;
7) Површинска структура има добру чврстоћу, без пукотина, без љуштења;
8) Стабилан волумен, против ерозије,
9) против ерозије;
10) Дуг радни век.