- 19
- Dec
The steel bar heat treatment production line adopts intelligent induction heating power supply to control its characteristics:
The steel bar heat treatment production line adopts intelligent induction heating power supply to control its characteristics:
1. Parallel resonance design, phase shifting and power adjustment, the equipment is mature and stable; it has more advantages in the high power range above 3000KW.
2. kontrol DSP, gancang newak konci fase mimiti, papanggih sering ngamimitian jeung eureun, laju kasuksésan tinggi.
3. Konversi frékuénsi sarta adaptasi beban, rentang adaptasi frékuénsi 200-10000Hz, cocog otomatis pikeun ngagantian tungku induksi, euweuh adjustment manual anu diperlukeun.
4. T2 beureum tambaga tambaga bar dipaké dina kabinet, nu sandblasted na passivated; induktansi leakage low, anti oksidasi, sarta éféktif ngurangan leungitna garis.
5. Full touch screen control, pure digital setting, complete process record and strict level authority. The main parameters can be restored to factory settings with one key.
6. The power of a single power supply of the steel bar heat treatment production line is 50-6000KW, and the frequency is 200-10000Hz.