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Naon ciri tina produk tungku muffle

Naon ciri tina tungku muffle barang

Tungku muffle mangrupikeun alat pemanasan universal. Numutkeun penampilan sareng bentukna, éta tiasa dibagi kana tungku kotak sareng tungku tabung. Kumaha leres nangtoskeun kualitas tungku tiasa ditilik tina sababaraha ciri na. Biasana di Cina, nami umum nyaéta kieu: tungku listrik, tungku résistansi, sareng tungku Maofu. Fitur produk umum nyaéta kieu:

1. Awak muffle tungku jeung controller calakan anu dipisahkeun dina rarancang, nu geulis tur berehan. Panto tungku ngadopsi desain sisi-lawang.

2. Adopting heating elements with lining plates on both sides, easy to replace the furnace wire, using imported ultra-high temperature heating element, the oxidation resistance is more excellent, and the service life is greatly increased.

3. The muffle furnace adopts ceramic fiber heat insulation, which greatly improves the heating speed and reduces the heat energy consumption. Compared with the traditional furnace, the weight is reduced by 1/2, the heating speed is doubled, and the energy is greatly saved, and the service life is increased by 3.5 times. ; Good heat preservation effect, low surface temperature of the furnace.

4. The muffle tungku dihasilkeun Huarong adopts alat kontrol hawa alus, tampilan digital anyar, suhu set digital, sarta kaluaran kontrol calakan, nu bisa ngurangan bacaan visual jeung kasalahan operasi manusa sarta greatly ngaronjatkeun efisiensi gawé.

5. Hal ieu dilengkepan rupa-rupa alat panyalindungan pikeun ngaronjatkeun kaamanan jeung reliabilitas.

Sistim kontrol 6.Independent, merenah pikeun pangropéa sarta ngagantian.

7. Aya liang curhat dina awak tungku tungku muffle-suhu luhur (inlet panyalindungan gas sarta knalpot vents bisa ditambahkeun nurutkeun sarat pamaké).

8. Because the high-temperature electric furnace is a non-standard furnace, other specifications can be customized according to user needs. Box-type resistance furnaces, tube furnaces, pit furnaces, box furnaces, etc. of various non-standard parts.