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How much is 1 ton of refractory castable?

Sabaraha 1 ton refractory castable?

Sabaraha castable per ton? Ieu mangrupikeun patarosan anu para nasabah langkung prihatin sareng sering konsultasi ka produsén castable. Aya loba jenis castables, nu bahan refractory unshaped dina refractory. Aya rupa-rupa bahan baku, sarta harga produk greatly rupa-rupa. Editor handap ngumpulkeun sababaraha eusi patali ngeunaan harga castables, jeung babaturan anu kabetot bisa ngarti Turun.

Nurutkeun kana bagian béda jeung tujuan unggal kiln, castables dibagi kana sababaraha jenis. Castables tahan maké-kakuatan tinggi anu bertulang ku corundum, serat baja, sarta serat baja; castables-suhu luhur kaasup solokan ketok tur ladle; jeung panas-insulating light-beurat jeung panas-insulating castables.


castable, ogé katelah castable refractory, mangrupakeun jenis bahan granular na powdery dijieunna tina bahan refractory ditambahkeun jumlah map. Cai mibanda fluidity tinggi sarta mangrupa bahan refractory unshaped dibentuk ku casting. Dibandingkeun jeung bahan refractory unshaped sejen, binder jeung Uap eusi leuwih luhur, sarta fluidity nu leuwih alus. Ku alatan éta, castable boga rupa-rupa aplikasi. Bahan sareng binder anu dianggo tiasa dipilih dumasar kana kaayaan pamakean. Éta tiasa langsung dituang kana lapisan pikeun dianggo, atanapi tiasa dianggo salaku blok prefabricated ku tuang atanapi ngetok.

The production cycle of refractory castables is generally shorter than that of refractory bricks of the same material, so the sales of refractory castables are very large, so how much the castable is a ton has become a very important issue, but we cannot blindly pursue it. Low price and quality are the goal of the refractory industry. The castable has very high requirements for the formulation, the particle size is reasonable, and the type and amount of additives have a very obvious impact on the castable. The construction of the castable and the oven must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements, so as to ensure the service life of the castable.


Due to a series of objective factors such as construction environment and project progress, some additives or other materials can be added to the castable to meet the requirements. For example, heat-resistant steel fibers can be added to the castable to enhance the strength of the castable. Some accelerators can be added to speed up the initial setting time of the castable. In the electrolytic aluminum and aluminum alloy industries, castables need to add some materials resistant to aluminum water erosion to extend the use time of the castables. After some materials such as nitrides are added to the castables, the non-stick performance of the castables is greatly improved.

With the development of refractory materials, castables with various outstanding properties have been developed and promoted. If you need castables, you can contact our manufacturer for detailed quotation