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konsumsi kakuatan unit tina tungku lebur induksi?

konsumsi kakuatan unit tina tungku lebur induksi?

induksi tungku lebur ngarujuk kana total énergi listrik sareng konsumsi logam tina tungku lebur induksi dina prosés pemanasan, lebur sareng (atanapi) pemanasan muatan besi tua tina suhu kamar ka suhu anu dipeunteun dina waktos unit (1 jam). Babandingan beurat muatan dina kilowatt-jam per ton (kWh/t).

1. The induction melting furnace includes electric furnace melting equipment and its auxiliary equipment. The auxiliary equipment for casting and melting of the induction melting furnace includes its own supporting hydraulic and electrical transmission system for furnace body tilting, furnace cover opening and closing, water cooling system, control and measurement system, etc. The determination of its unit power consumption should be consistent with the induction melting furnace . The measurement of the unit power consumption of the main circuit of the furnace is carried out at the same time. Therefore, the total power consumption of the induction melting furnace also includes the sum of the unit power consumption of the main circuit of the induction melting furnace and the unit power consumption of the auxiliary equipment.

2. Pangukuran konsumsi kakuatan Unit tina tungku lebur induksi wajib sasuai jeung standar nasional GB / T 10067.3-2015 sarta GB / T 10066.3-2014.

3. Iraha induksi tungku lebur casting na smelting, konsumsi kakuatan Unit suhu smelting béda nyaéta kieu:


Kode spésifikasi rupa tungku lebur induksi Tungku lebur induksi

Kapasitas dipeunteun t

tungku lebur induksi, N, kW h / t
beusi tuang 1450 ℃ Steel 1600℃
kelas kahiji kelas kadua kelas katilu kelas kahiji kelas kadua kelas katilu
GW1 1 N ≤540 540<N ≤590 590<N ≤650 N≤600 600<N ≤660 660<N ≤720
GW1.5 1.5 N≤535 535<N ≤585 585<N ≤645 N ≤595 595<N ≤655 655<N ≤715
GW2 2 N ≤530 530<N ≤580 580<N ≤640 N ≤590 590<N ≤650 650<N ≤700
GW3 3 N≤525 525<N ≤575 575<N ≤635 N ≤585 585<N ≤645 645<N ≤695
GW5 5 N ≤520 520<N ≤570 570<N ≤630 N ≤580 580<N ≤640 640<N ≤690
GW10 10 N≤510 510<N ≤560 560<N ≤620 N≤570 570<N ≤630 630<N ≤680
GW20 20 / / / N≤605 605<N ≤650 650<N ≤705
GW40* 40 / / / N ≤585 585<N ≤630 630<N ≤685
GW60* 60 / / / N≤575 575<N ≤620 620<N ≤675
Catetan: Kalayan * hartosna kalebet leungitna kakuatan tina trafo tungku lebur induksi (nyaéta, konsumsi kakuatan kumulatif tina input sirkuit utama diukur di sisi primér trafo), tanpa * hartosna henteu kalebet leungitna kakuatan induksi. trafo tungku lebur (nyaéta, konsumsi kakuatan akumulasi tina input sirkuit utama dina trafo pangukuran sisi sekundér).