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tungku Muffle tungku

tungku Muffle tungku

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Muffle furnace , box-type muffle furnace is widely used in laboratories , universities, scientific research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises for high temperature sintering, metal annealing, chemical industry, metallurgy, ceramics, new material development, organic matter ashing, and quality testing. also apply to the military, electronics, pharmaceuticals, specialty materials and other production and experiments . According to different atmospheres, different temperatures, different heating elements are used to satisfy different process experiments and specially manufactured , box-type resistance furnaces .

  1. Perkenalan produk

Jinis tungku listrik hémat énergi anu anyar dimekarkeun sareng dihasilkeun. Éta ngagaduhan struktur cangkang dobel-lapisan anu wajar, suhu permukaan kirang ti atanapi sami sareng 40 ℃, sareng penampilanna éndah sareng loma. Éta diolah ku pelat waja tiis-digulung, alat-alat mesin CNC, mesin motong laser presisi tinggi, sareng mesin bending CNC. Beungeutna éndah, méwah, sareng dua warna. Bubuk teroksidasi éléktrostatik disemprot pikeun ngahontal perawatan permukaan anu tahan lami, henteu luntur, suhu luhur sareng tahan korosi.

Unsur pemanasan: Pilih unsur manaskeun anu béda-béda numutkeun suhu tungku. Unsur pemanasan dibagi kana: kawat tungku listrik, band résistansi, rod karbohidrat silikon, rod molibdenum silikon, sareng kawat molibdenum.

Liner material: The liner is made of imported temperature refractory materials and constructed by the craftsmanship. Strong thermal shock resistance, good corrosion resistance, no collapse, no crystallization, no slag, and long service life!

Temperature control mode: microcomputer intelligent adjustment technology, PID adjustment, automatic control, self-tuning function; multi-segment program programming, and can control various heating, heat preservation, and cooling programs; power adjustment; high temperature control accuracy; integrated module thyristor control , Phase shift trigger. Protection device: independent over-temperature protection, over-voltage, over-current, leakage, short-circuit protection, etc., with a high degree of automation, and all indicators have reached the level.

B. Product features

1, tungku bahan impor lightweight purity tinggi bahan keramik alumina, teu karasa luhur, teu mampuh bubuk suhu luhur, suhu luhur sintering ,, standar industri bébas volatil

2, awak manaskeun didamel tina resistansi kawat / silikon karbida / molybdenum disilisida, tiasa nahan beban anu ageung, umur anu stabil sareng panjang, suhu keseragaman suhu anu saé

3, kontrol suhu desain anu dipaténkeun, kagancangan pemanasan, keseragaman suhu, ukuran anu sami tibatan industri pikeun ningkatkeun efisiensi tungku sinter 3 kali deui,

4, kontrol suhu presisi tinggi méter pinter, suhu beureum leutik, kalayan santunan suhu sareng koreksi suhu, akurasi kontrol suhu ±. 1 deg.] C (sertipikat uji anu aya dikaluarkeun ku pihak katilu)

5, panto muka panto, dibuka gampang, tiasa 360 puteran ℃

6, pelat waja casing ganda, suhu perlakuan cet karat permukaan;

7, komponén éléktronik dianggo dina produk Jérman Kulon, kalayan panyalindungan kabocoran, dipercaya

8 , over-temperature alarm and power failure, leakage protection, reliable operation

9, kontrol microcomputer, regulator PID calakan, 30 bagéan kurva suhu anu tiasa diprogram, operasi otomatis tanpa penjaga (otomatis naékkeun sareng nurunkeun, panas)

10, ku parangkat lunak urang, Internét sareng komputer, ngamungkinkeun kompor listrik kadali tunggal atanapi sababaraha, nyukcruk real-time, sajarah, laporan kaluaran sareng fungsi-fungsi sanés; tiasa dipasang alat rékaman tanpa kertas, neundeun data, kaluaran;

11. Temperature category: 600 ℃ 800 ℃ 1000 ℃ 1200 ℃ 1400 ℃ 1600 ℃ 1700 ℃ 1800 ℃

C. Technical parameters

 Barang suhu 600 ℃ -1200 ℃ 1400 1600 1700 180O ℃
Tegangan AC 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V
suhu operasi 1200 1400 1600 1700 180O ℃
Suhu kerja jangka panjang 1150 1350 1550 1650 175O ℃
Akurasi kontrol suhu ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃
Temperature measuring element and temperature range Pangukuran suhu nikel-kromium-nikel-silikon K kisaran 0-1350 ℃ Kisaran suhu platinum sareng rhodium S nyaéta 0-1700 ℃ Kisaran suhu platinum rhodium platinum B nyaéta 0-1820 ℃ Kisaran suhu platinum rhodium platinum B nyaéta 0-1820 ℃ Platinum rhodium platinum or fiber optic infrared temperature measurement
laju pemanasan bisa diatur bisa diatur bisa diatur bisa diatur bisa diatur
Élemén pemanasan Résistansi kawat / rod silikon karbida Silicon carbide rod 1800 silicon molybdenum rod 1800 silicon molybdenum rod 1900 silicon molybdenum rod
Installation location and method of heating element Installed vertically on both sides of the furnace Installed vertically on both sides of the furnace Installed vertically on both sides of the furnace Installed vertically on both sides of the furnace Installed vertically on both sides of the furnace
Refractory Papan serat alumina purity luhur High-purity alumina zirconium-containing fiberboard Imported high-purity alumina fiberboard Diimpor Bahan Ringan Morgan Imported high-purity Morgan lightweight materials
Cooling structure Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled
hawa tungku Degrees 45 derajat Degrees 45 derajat Degrees 45 derajat Degrees 45 derajat Degrees 45 derajat
laju pemanasan The heating rate can be adjusted freely, the adjustment range: the heating rate is 40 degrees per minute ( 40 degrees /min ), the slow heating rate is 1 degree per hour ( 1 degrees /h )
Élemén pemanasan Using U type 1800 molybdenum disilicide, molybdenum disilicide to a molybdenum disilicide heating element is made of a base element surface temperature of 1800 deg.] C , which is used in a high temperature oxidizing atmosphere, glassy surface, a layer of light generating The dense glass film can protect the silicon molybdenum rod from oxidation. Therefore, the silicon molybdenum rod element has high temperature. Under normal operation, the resistance of the element generally does not change with the length of use. Therefore, the old and new components can be mixed.
Tungku Awak tungku diolah ku alat mesin CNC, sareng didamel ku polesan, grinding, acar, fosfat, nyemprot bubuk plastik, pembakaran suhu luhur, sareng sajabana, cocog sareng dua warna, novél sareng penampilan anu saé, kalayan tahan asam sareng alkali, résistansi korosi, résistansi suhu luhur, Gampang dibersihkeun sareng kaunggulan sanés
Struktur tungku The electric furnace body adopts an air-cooled double-layer furnace body structure to ensure a good working environment
Métode muka panto The opening method of the furnace door is 180 degrees sideways in the axial direction , and the furnace door can be rotated 360 degrees to avoid the inner wall of the furnace door from roasting to the arm during high temperature reclaiming.
Refractory Furnace lining is made of imported Morgan fiber material, high temperature, low heat storage, resistance to rapid heat and cold, no cracks, no slag, and good insulation performance (the energy saving effect is more than 80% of the old electric furnace )
Bahan Insulasi It adopts three layers of insulation, namely: aluminum silicate fiber board, alumina fiber board, and alumina (polycrystalline) fiber board. The energy saving effect is more than 80% of the old electric furnace .
Suhu cangkang tungku Long-term use does not stop the furnace, the shell temperature is less than 45 degrees
metode pendingin Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled
ngalindungan Adopt integrated modular control unit, accurate control accuracy, and designed dual-loop control and dual-loop protection, with overshoot, overshoot, undershoot, segment couple, phase loss, overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, current feedback , Soft start and other protection
pangawasan The closed-loop technology is used for the trigger control of the thyristor module, the phase-shifting trigger control mode, the output voltage, current or power is continuously adjustable, and it has the characteristics of constant voltage, constant current or constant power; the current loop is the inner loop, and the voltage loop is the outer loop. When the load is suddenly added or the load current exceeds the current limit value, the output current of the *** voltage regulator is within the rated current range to ensure that the output and the voltage regulator work normally; at the same time, the voltage loop also participates in the regulation to make the output of the voltage regulator current is *** within the rated current range, to maintain a constant output current and voltage on the premise that there is sufficient balance adjustment; heat generating element to reach the protective avoid shock hazard, current and voltage, and achieve a reliable control effect control accuracy .
Parameter tampilan Suhu, nomer bagéan suhu, waktos bagéan, waktos sésana, persentase daya kaluaran, voltase, arus, sareng sajabana
kancing Tombol impor ngagaduhan umur jasa langkung ti 100,000 kali sareng ngagaduhan indikator LED.
Temperature curve setting Using intelligent temperature controller, equipped with standard PID , artificial intelligence adjustment APID or MPT and other adjustment methods, with self-tuning and self-learning functions, excellent control characteristics without overshoot and no undershoot, with 30- segment program control function, Realize the temperature rise and fall control of any slope, with programmable / operable commands such as jump (cycle), run, pause and stop , and allow to modify the program at any time during the control operation of the program; adopt artificial intelligence with curve fitting function Adjust the algorithm to obtain a smooth and smooth curve control effect;
Multiple curve input Fungsi kontrol program mikrokomputer, anjeun tiasa nyetél setélan: sababaraha kurva tiasa input dina waktos anu sami, sareng éta tiasa disebat sawenang-wenang nalika dianggo.
Asesoris Acak Two spare components, two sets of rods, one heat insulation plug for the furnace door, one crucible tongs, one pair of high temperature gloves, one manual and one certificate.
Ruang lingkup garansi sareng jaman Tungku listrik dijamin sataun gratis, elemen pemanasan sareng thermocouples teu dijamin (gaganti gratis pikeun karusakan alami dina tilu bulan)
Pelanggan opsional 1 , a crucible, sagger, corundum pad / SiC plate

2, parangkat lunak kontrol komputer sareng perangkat keras

3 , touch-screen human-machine interactive control software and hardware

4 , supplies: a heat element

precautions Supados henteu mangaruhan kahirupan jasa tina tungku listrik, kami nyarankeun yén tingkat pemanasan sareng tingkat pendinginan 10-20 ℃ / mnt, (umur jasa unsur pemanasan bakal disingget upami pemanasan gancang teuing)

Tungku buleud ieu henteu nganggo struktur segel vakum, janten teu aya gas anu mudah terbakar sareng ngabeledug anu tiasa dialungkeun ka dinya

Saatos tungku kotak ieu dianggo salami waktos, retakan leutik bakal muncul dina tungku. Ieu mangrupikeun fenomena normal sareng moal mangaruhan panggunaan. Dina waktos anu sasarengan, éta tiasa dilereskeun ku palapis alumina.

Henteu disarankeun lulus dina gas korosif. Upami anjeun hoyong lulus dina gas korosif anu kuat sapertos S, Na, sareng sajabana, punten wartosan sateuacanna sareng urang bakal ngubaran tungku

Larutan suhu luhur henteu tiasa dibocorkeun kana handapeun tungku, sareng skéma ngahindaran tiasa diasingkeun ku pelat pelindung atanapi bubuk alumina

Instruménna kedah ditempatkeun dina tempat anu berventilasi anu hadé, henteu lembab.

Daptar bungkusan Hiji tungku listrik, dua asli cadang, dua sét rod, hiji colokan insulasi panas pikeun panto tungku, hiji tong tungku, sapasang sarung tangan suhu luhur, hiji manual instruksi, sareng hiji catetan pangiriman penjualan.
Perkara pengiriman Bungkus kompor listrik nyaéta bungkus kertas palét kai

Pangiriman gratis di dalam negeri (pangiriman gratis di daérah perkotaan)

Kami bakal tanggel waler pikeun karusakan naon waé anu lumangsung nalika ngangkut tungku listrik

Metode logistik: transportasi nganggo mobil, karéta api, kapal (ékspor perdagangan luar negeri), udara (ékspor perdagangan asing), angkutan ku perusahaan urang ditunjuk ku kendaraan khusus (dibungkus dina karton kai)


Ukuran tungku tiasa disaluyukeun numutkeun sarat konsumén!


Ukuran tungku mm Tegangan v   Power kw   kontrol presisi
  200 × 150 × 150 220 / 380      4      ± 1
  200 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      6      ± 1
  300 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      8      ± 1
  300 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      10      ± 1
  400 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      12      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 200 220 / 380      15      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 300    380      18      ± 1
  500 × 500 × 500    380      25      ± 1
  800 × 500 × 500    380      40      ± 1
  1200 × 500 × 500    380      85      ± 1