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ilabhulikhi ye-Muffle Furnace

ilabhulikhi ye-Muffle Furnace

Inhloso eyinhloko

Muffle furnace , box-type muffle furnace is widely used in laboratories , universities, scientific research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises for high temperature sintering, metal annealing, chemical industry, metallurgy, ceramics, new material development, organic matter ashing, and quality testing. also apply to the military, electronics, pharmaceuticals, specialty materials and other production and experiments . According to different atmospheres, different temperatures, different heating elements are used to satisfy different process experiments and specially manufactured , box-type resistance furnaces .

  1. Umkhiqizo Isingeniso

Uhlobo olusha lwesithando sokonga ugesi ngokuzimela lwakhiwa futhi lwakhiqizwa. Inesakhiwo segobolondo esinezitezi eziphindwe kabili, izinga lokushisa elingaphansi lingaphansi noma lilingana no-40 ℃, futhi ukubukeka kuhle futhi kunesandla esivulekile. Icutshungulwa ipuleti lensimbi elibandayo, amathuluzi womshini we-CNC, imishini yokusika ephezulu ye-laser, nemishini yokugoba ye-CNC. Ubuso buhle, bukanokusho, futhi bunemibala emibili. I-powder ene-oxidized ifuthwe ngogesi ukufezekisa ukwelashwa kwendawo okuhlala isikhathi eside, okungapheli, ukushisa okuphezulu nokushisa.

Isici sokushisa: Khetha izinto ezahlukahlukene zokushisa ngokuya ngezinga lokushisa kwesithando somlilo. Izakhi zokushisa zihlukaniswe: intambo yesithando sikagesi, ibhendi lokumelana, induku ye-silicon carbide, induku ye-silicon molybdenum, kanye nocingo lwe-molybdenum.

Liner material: The liner is made of imported temperature refractory materials and constructed by the craftsmanship. Strong thermal shock resistance, good corrosion resistance, no collapse, no crystallization, no slag, and long service life!

Temperature control mode: microcomputer intelligent adjustment technology, PID adjustment, automatic control, self-tuning function; multi-segment program programming, and can control various heating, heat preservation, and cooling programs; power adjustment; high temperature control accuracy; integrated module thyristor control , Phase shift trigger. Protection device: independent over-temperature protection, over-voltage, over-current, leakage, short-circuit protection, etc., with a high degree of automation, and all indicators have reached the level.

B. Product features

I-1, isithando sezinto ezingenisiwe ezingasindi kakhulu ukuhlanzeka okuphezulu kwe-alumina ceramic material, ubunzima obukhulu, abukwazi ukukhokhela i-powder ephezulu yokushisa, ukushisa okuphezulu kokushisa, okungajwayelekile embonini yamahhala

2, umzimba wokushisa wenziwe ngocingo lokumelana nensimbi / i-silicon carbide / i-molybdenum disilicide, ingamelana nemithwalo emikhulu, impilo ezinzile neyinde, okuhle ukufana kokushisa

I-3, ukulawula ukushisa kokuklanywa kwelungelo lobunikazi, isivinini sokushisa, ukufana kokushisa, usayizi ofanayo kunemboni ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kwesithando sintering amahlandla ama-3 ngaphezulu,

4, imitha yokulawula okuphezulu yokushisa okuphezulu, izinga lokushisa elincane elibomvu, nokunxephezelwa kokushisa nokulungiswa kwezinga lokushisa, ukunemba kokulawula ukushisa kwe- ±. 1 deg.] C (isitifiketi sokuhlola esitholakalayo esikhishwe umuntu wesithathu)

5, ukuvulwa kohlangothi lomnyango, kuvulwe kalula, kungashintshana ngo-360 ℃

I-6, ipuleti lensimbi ephindwe kabili, izinga lokushisa lokuphathwa kokugqwala kwendawo;

7 , electronic components are used in West German products, with leakage protection, reliable

8 , over-temperature alarm and power failure, leakage protection, reliable operation

I-9, isilawuli se-microcomputer, i-PID regulator ehlakaniphile, ijika lokushisa elingama-30 elingenzeka, ukusebenza okuzenzakalelayo ngaphandle kokuqapha (ukukhuphula okuzenzakalelayo nokunciphisa, ukushisa)

10, yi-software yethu, i-Intanethi nekhompyutha, enika amandla isitofu esisodwa noma eziningi zokulawula okukude, ukulandelela isikhathi sangempela, umlando, imibiko yokukhipha neminye imisebenzi; kungafakwa amadivayisi wokuqopha angenamaphepha, ukugcinwa kwedatha, okukhiphayo;

11. Temperature category: 600 ℃ 800 ℃ 1000 ℃ 1200 ℃ 1400 ℃ 1600 ℃ 1700 ℃ 1800 ℃

C. Technical parameters

 Into yethempelesha 600 ℃ -1200 ℃ 1400 ℃ 1600 ℃ 1700 ℃ 180O ℃
Amandla AC 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V 220V / 380V
izinga lokushisa lokusebenza 1200 ℃ 1400 ℃ 1600 ℃ 1700 ℃ 180O ℃
Ithempelesha yokusebenza yesikhathi eside 1150 ℃ 1350 ℃ 1550 ℃ 1650 ℃ 175O ℃
Ukulawula ukulawula izinga lokushisa ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃ ± 1 ℃
Temperature measuring element and temperature range Nickel-chromium-nickel-silicon K temperature measurement range 0-1350 ℃ Izinga lokushisa le-platinum ne-rhodium S lingu-0-1700 ℃ Ububanzi bezinga lokushisa le-platinum rhodium platinum B ngu-0-1820 ℃ Ububanzi bezinga lokushisa le-platinum rhodium platinum B ngu-0-1820 ℃ Platinum rhodium platinum or fiber optic infrared temperature measurement
Izinga lokushisa Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable
Isici sokushisa Induku yokulwa nentambo / i-silicon carbide Silicon carbide rod 1800 silicon molybdenum rod 1800 silicon molybdenum rod 1900 silicon molybdenum rod
Installation location and method of heating element Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo
I-Refractory Ukuhlanzeka okuphezulu kwe-alumina fiberboard High-purity alumina zirconium-containing fiberboard Imported high-purity alumina fiberboard Izinto Ezingenisiwe ZikaMorgan Lightweight Imported high-purity Morgan lightweight materials
Cooling structure Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled
Ukushisa komlilo ≤ ama-degree angama-45 ≤ ama-degree angama-45 ≤ ama-degree angama-45 ≤ ama-degree angama-45 ≤ ama-degree angama-45
Izinga lokushisa The heating rate can be adjusted freely, the adjustment range: the heating rate is 40 degrees per minute ( 40 degrees /min ), the slow heating rate is 1 degree per hour ( 1 degrees /h )
Isici sokushisa Using U type 1800 molybdenum disilicide, molybdenum disilicide to a molybdenum disilicide heating element is made of a base element surface temperature of 1800 deg.] C , which is used in a high temperature oxidizing atmosphere, glassy surface, a layer of light generating The dense glass film can protect the silicon molybdenum rod from oxidation. Therefore, the silicon molybdenum rod element has high temperature. Under normal operation, the resistance of the element generally does not change with the length of use. Therefore, the old and new components can be mixed.
Ifenisha Umzimba wesithando usetshenzwa ngamathuluzi womshini we-CNC, futhi wenziwa ngokupholisha, ukugaya, ukutomula, ukuphotha, ukufafaza impuphu yepulasitiki, ukubhaka okushisa okuphezulu, njll. ukumelana nokugqwala, ukumelana nokushisa okuphezulu, Kulula ukuhlanza nezinye izinzuzo
Isakhiwo somlilo The electric furnace body adopts an air-cooled double-layer furnace body structure to ensure a good working environment
Indlela yokuvula umnyango The opening method of the furnace door is 180 degrees sideways in the axial direction , and the furnace door can be rotated 360 degrees to avoid the inner wall of the furnace door from roasting to the arm during high temperature reclaiming.
I-Refractory Ulwelwesi lwesithando somlilo lwenziwe ngezinto zangaphandle zeMorgan fiber, izinga lokushisa eliphakeme, ukugcina ukushisa okuphansi, ukumelana nokushisa okusheshayo nokubanda, akukho imifantu, akukho slag, nokusebenza okuhle kokuvikela (umphumela wokonga amandla ungaphezu kuka-80% wesithando esidala sikagesi)
Izinto zokufakelwa It adopts three layers of insulation, namely: aluminum silicate fiber board, alumina fiber board, and alumina (polycrystalline) fiber board. The energy saving effect is more than 80% of the old electric furnace .
Ukushisa kwegobolondo lomlilo Long-term use does not stop the furnace, the shell temperature is less than 45 degrees
indlela yokupholisa Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled
ukuvikela Adopt integrated modular control unit, accurate control accuracy, and designed dual-loop control and dual-loop protection, with overshoot, overshoot, undershoot, segment couple, phase loss, overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, current feedback , Soft start and other protection
isilawuli The closed-loop technology is used for the trigger control of the thyristor module, the phase-shifting trigger control mode, the output voltage, current or power is continuously adjustable, and it has the characteristics of constant voltage, constant current or constant power; the current loop is the inner loop, and the voltage loop is the outer loop. When the load is suddenly added or the load current exceeds the current limit value, the output current of the *** voltage regulator is within the rated current range to ensure that the output and the voltage regulator work normally; at the same time, the voltage loop also participates in the regulation to make the output of the voltage regulator current is *** within the rated current range, to maintain a constant output current and voltage on the premise that there is sufficient balance adjustment; heat generating element to reach the protective avoid shock hazard, current and voltage, and achieve a reliable control effect control accuracy .
Khombisa amapharamitha Ithempelesha, inombolo yengxenye yethempelesha, isikhathi sengxenye, isikhathi esisele, amaphesenti wamandla wokukhipha, amandla kagesi, amanje, njll.
Inkinobho Inkinobho engenisiwe inempilo yenkonzo yezikhathi ezingaphezu kwezi-100,000 futhi inesikhombi se-LED.
Temperature curve setting Using intelligent temperature controller, equipped with standard PID , artificial intelligence adjustment APID or MPT and other adjustment methods, with self-tuning and self-learning functions, excellent control characteristics without overshoot and no undershoot, with 30- segment program control function, Realize the temperature rise and fall control of any slope, with programmable / operable commands such as jump (cycle), run, pause and stop , and allow to modify the program at any time during the control operation of the program; adopt artificial intelligence with curve fitting function Adjust the algorithm to obtain a smooth and smooth curve control effect;
Multiple curve input Umsebenzi wokulawulwa kohlelo lweMicrocomputer, ungafaka izilungiselelo zokufaka: ama-curve amaningi angafakwa ngasikhathi sinye, futhi angabizwa ngokuzithandela ngesikhathi sokusetshenziswa.
Izesekeli Ezingahleliwe Two spare components, two sets of rods, one heat insulation plug for the furnace door, one crucible tongs, one pair of high temperature gloves, one manual and one certificate.
Ububanzi bewaranti nesikhathi Isithando somlilo sikagesi siqinisekisiwe unyaka owodwa mahhala, izinto zokushisa nama-thermocouples aqinisekisiwe (ukubuyisela mahhala umonakalo wemvelo ezinyangeni ezintathu)
Customer optional 1 , a crucible, sagger, corundum pad / SiC plate

2, isoftware yokulawula ikhompyutha ne-hardware

3 , touch-screen human-machine interactive control software and hardware

4 , supplies: a heat element

Ukuqapha Ukuze ungathinti impilo yensizakalo yesithando sikagesi, sincoma ukuthi isilinganiso sokushisa nesilinganiso sokupholisa sibe ngu-10-20 ℃ / min, (impilo yensiza yokushisa izofinyezwa uma ukufudumeza kushesha kakhulu)

Lesi sithando sebhokisi asisebenzisi isakhiwo se-vacuum seal, ngakho-ke ayikho igesi evuthayo neqhumayo engadluliselwa kuso

Ngemuva kokuthi leli bhokisi lomlilo lisetshenziswe isikhathi esithile, imifantu emincane izovela esithandweni somlilo. Lokhu kuyinto ejwayelekile futhi ngeke kuthinte ukusetshenziswa. Ngasikhathi sinye, ingalungiswa nge-alumina coating.

Akunconywa ukuthi udlule ngegesi elonakalisayo. Uma ufuna ukudlulisa igesi eqinile efana ne-S, Na, njll., Sicela wazise kusengaphambili futhi sizophatha isithando somlilo

Isixazululo sokushisa okuphezulu asikwazi ukuvuza ngaphansi kwesithando somlilo, futhi uhlelo lokugwema lungahlukaniswa yipuleti elisekelayo noma i-alumina powder

Insimbi kufanele ibekwe endaweni enomoya omuhle, engenawo umswakama.

Uhlu lokupakisha Isithando somlilo esisodwa, okwangempela okuyisipele, amasethi amabili enduku, ipulagi elilodwa lokuvikela ukushisa komlilo wesithando somlilo, izigaxa ezimbili zembumbulu, iiglavu elilodwa lokushisa okuphezulu, ibhukwana elilodwa lokufundisa, kanye nenothi elilodwa lokulethwa kokuthengisa.
Ukuthumela izinto Ukupakisha kwesitofu sikagesi ukufakwa kwephepha lepallet lokhuni

Ukulethwa kwamahhala kwasekhaya (ukulethwa kwamahhala endaweni yasedolobheni)

Sizobhekana nanoma yimuphi umonakalo owenzeka ngesikhathi sokuthuthwa kwesithando sikagesi

Izindlela ze-Logistics: ukuthuthwa ngemoto, ujantshi, umkhumbi (ukuthekelisa amazwe angaphandle), umoya (ukuhweba kwamanye amazwe ukuthekelisa), ezokuthutha inkampani yethu eqokwe yimoto ekhethekile (egcwele emabhokisini amakhuni)


Usayizi wesithando ungenziwa ngezifiso ngokuya ngezidingo zamakhasimende!


Usayizi wesithando somlilo I-Voltage v   Amandla kw   ukulawula ukunemba
  200 × 150 × 150 220 / 380      4      ± 1
  200 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      6      ± 1
  300 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      8      ± 1
  300 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      10      ± 1
  400 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      12      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 200 220 / 380      15      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 300    380      18      ± 1
  500 × 500 × 500    380      25      ± 1
  800 × 500 × 500    380      40      ± 1
  1200 × 500 × 500    380      85      ± 1