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Axle quenching na tempering garis produksi

Axle quenching na tempering garis produksi

Find a professional manufacturer for the axle quenching and tempering production line. China Luoyang Songdao Technology has established a factory for more than 20 years, focusing on the manufacturing and research and development of induction heating equipment and induction heat treatment equipment. It has rich experience and strong strength. It is the common choice of 200,000+ customers. In addition, direct sales are also Songdao Technology. The extra points of the product, the delivery time, now coincides with the double festival, the promotion of equipment purchase activities, specific axle quenching and tempering production line prices, please click on the online consultation to understand, the sales manager will contact you at any time, and provide tailor-made services.


Features of axle quenching jeung tempering jalur produksi:

1. Adopt energy-saving IGBT induction heating power control, low power consumption, high production efficiency and high cost performance.

2. efisiensi produksi High: ngagunakeun PLC panganteur manusa-mesin sistem kontrol calakan otomatis, kalawan hiji-konci fungsi mimiti, hiji jalma bisa beroperasi sakabéh prosés produksi tina axle quenching na tempering garis produksi.

3. Méja roller conveying: Sumbu tabel roller jeung sumbu workpiece ngabentuk hiji sudut 18-21 °. workpiece nu rotates bari pindah ka hareup dina laju konstan sangkan pemanasan leuwih seragam. Méja roller antara awak tungku dijieunna tina 304 stainless steel non-magnétik jeung cai-tiis.

4. Roller tabel grouping: grup dahar, grup sensor jeung grup discharging anu bebas dikawasa, nu kondusif pikeun pemanasan kontinyu tanpa ngabalukarkeun gap antara workpieces.

5. Closed-loop kontrol hawa tina axle quenching na tempering garis produksi: duanana quenching na tempering ngadopsi Amérika Raytai thermometer infra red Sistim kontrol tutup-loop mun akurat ngadalikeun hawa.

6. Sistim komputer Industrial: tampilan real-time tina kaayaan ayeuna parameter gawé, workpiece memori parameter, neundeun, percetakan, tampilan sesar, alarem sarta fungsi lianna.

Cina Songdao Téhnologi urang profésional axle quenching na tempering pabrik alat perlakuan panas, perusahaan brand heubeul, sarta insinyur profésional bisa ngaluyukeun parabot pemanasan induksi cocog, alat-alat perlakuan panas induksi, sarta alat-alat forging diathermic pikeun anjeun nurutkeun pangabutuh anjeun pikeun minuhan sarat prosés béda Anjeun. Éta nyiptakeun kauntungan ékonomi anu lumayan. Konsultasi telepon, insinyur profésional baris nyadiakeun Anjeun sareng quenching as bébas tur tempering petik garis produksi jeung pilihan rencana.