- 26
- Feb
Naon bédana antara rod fiberglass sareng rod fiberglass pikeun tungku pemanasan induksi?
Naon bédana antara rod fiberglass sareng rod fiberglass pikeun tungku pemanasan induksi?
Fiberglass rod mangrupakeun bahan komposit fiberglass pultruded, nu mangrupakeun thermosetting bahan ductile palastik dibentuk ku fiberglass kontinyu roving na résin epoxy handapeun sabuk traction tina mesin extrusion molding panas.
Lapisan résin-euyeub dina beungeut cai méré résistansi korosi alus teuing, beurat hampang, kakuatan compressive tinggi, ductility alus, spésifikasi stabil sarta precision tinggi. Sajaba ti éta, éta boga ciri alus teuing kayaning insulasi, konduktivitas non-termal, retardant seuneu, penampilan geulis tur pangropéa gampang, jadi mangrupa produk unggulan pikeun ngaganti baja jeung bahan séjén dina proyék rékayasa jeung lingkungan alam corrosive.
And it is widely used in: fiber optic cable lifting core, fitness equipment products, flagpoles, awning poles, outdoor tent poles, grain machine screw rods, Roman poles, traffic sign poles, exhaust fan columns, vehicle antennas, engineering construction, bridge reinforcement, Mechanical equipment rotating shaft, golf club, courtyard fence, paper kite frame, aluminum film balloon frame, folding umbrella frame, support frame blanket frame, model aircraft frame, luggage leather frame, fishing gear accessories, etc.
rod fiberglass
The glass fiber rod is a composite material that uses glass fiber and products (glass cloth, tape, felt, yarn, etc.) as the improvement material and resin material as the conventional material. The definition of composite material means that a material cannot be considered for application regulations, and it must be compounded by two or more materials to form another material that can be considered for everyone’s regulations, that is, composite materials.
Contona, hiji tipe tunggal serat kaca, sanajan kakuatan compressive tinggi na, leupas diantara serat kimiawi. Ieu ngan bisa nanggung gaya tensile, tapi teu bisa nanggung bending, motong jeung stress compressive, sarta teu gampang nyieun bentuk geometri dibereskeun, awak lemes.
If they are glued together with a resin material, a variety of solid products with a fixed shape can be made, which can bear not only tensile stress, but also bending, shrinking and shearing stress. This constitutes a glass fiber enhanced plastic matrix composite.