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What are the factors related to the durability of refractory bricks?

What are the factors related to the durability of matigas na brick?

The physical effects of the durability of refractory bricks generally refer to changes in dryness and humidity, temperature changes, freeze-thaw cycles, and so on. These effects will cause the volume of the material to change or cause the expansion of internal cracks, and the material will gradually be destroyed.

Chemical effects include the corrosive effects of aqueous solutions of acids, alkalis, salts and other substances and harmful gases. These corrosive effects will cause materials to gradually deteriorate and be destroyed.

The biological effect of the durability of refractory bricks refers to the infestation of fungi and insects, including the destruction of materials due to moth-eaten and decay. Therefore, the durability of a material is actually a measure of the material’s ability to maintain its original properties for a long time under the above-mentioned multiple actions to ensure safe and normal use. In actual engineering, the material is often affected by multiple destructive factors at the same time. The quality of the material is different, and the content of its durability is different.

Refractory bricks are often caused by chemical action, dissolution, freezing and thawing, wind erosion, temperature difference, humidity difference, friction and other factors or a combination of factors. Its durability indicators include more frost resistance, weathering resistance, and impermeability. , Wear resistance and other aspects, the durability of the same material is not static.