- 10
- Oct
How many types of mica boards are there?
How many types of mica boards are there?
Phlogopite fiberglas yangına dayanıklı mika panoları, yüksek binalarda, yeraltı demiryollarında, büyük elektrik santrallerinde ve önemli endüstriyel ve madencilik işletmelerinde ve güç kaynağı hatları ve acil durum tesislerinin kontrolü gibi yangın güvenliği ve yangından korunma ile ilgili diğer yerlerde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. yangın söndürme ekipmanı ve acil durum kılavuz ışıkları olarak. hat. Düşük fiyatı nedeniyle yangına dayanıklı kablolar için en iyi malzemedir.
A. Double-sided mica tape: Take mica board as the base material, and use glass fiber cloth as double-sided reinforcing material, which is mainly used as a fire-resistant insulating layer between the core wire and the outer skin of fire-resistant cables. It has better fire resistance and is recommended for general engineering use.
B. Single-sided mica tape: The phlogopite paper is used as the base material, and glass fiber cloth is used as a single-sided reinforcing material. It is mainly used as a fire-resistant insulation layer for fire-resistant cables. It has better fire resistance and is recommended for general engineering use.
C. Three-in-one mica tape: using phlogopite board as the base material, using glass fiber cloth and carbon-free film as single-sided reinforcing material, mainly used for fire-resistant cables as fire-resistant insulation. It has better fire resistance and is recommended for general engineering use.
D. Çift film bant: Ana malzeme olarak flogopit levha kullanın ve çift taraflı takviye için, özellikle motor yalıtımı için kullanılan plastik film kullanın. Yangına dayanıklılık performansı zayıftır ve yangına dayanıklı kabloların kullanımı kesinlikle yasaktır.
E. Single film tape: use phlogopite paper as the base material, and use plastic film for single-sided reinforcement, mainly used for motor insulation. The fire-resistant performance is poor, and the use of fire-resistant cables is strictly prohibited.