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中的注意事項 感應爐建築

感應爐砌築的搗打工序是一個比較複雜的工序,打結工序是一個很重要的環節,會影響爐子的使用壽命。 那麼,在打結的過程中要注意什麼,才能保證爐子的使用壽命不受影響呢?

1、當然,基本是標準的操作流程,但除此之外,感應爐搗打料的打結過程中還有很多注意事項。 比如在打結前要保證供電、供水系統完善,還需要提前通過每個項目的工作人員,提前做好準備。 當然也包括不允許工作人員攜帶任何易燃物品到工作場所,當然也包括手機、鑰匙等一些物品。

2. The process of adding sand to the ramming material of the induction furnace is a more stringent process. For example, the sand should be added at one time. Do not add it in batches. Of course, when adding sand, make sure that the sand is flat on the bottom of the furnace. Pile in a pile, otherwise it will cause the particle size of the sand to separate.

3. When tying the knot, I have to shake it first and then shake it. And pay attention to the technique, to ensure that the operation process should be light first and then heavier. In addition, the joystick must be inserted to the bottom once, and the joystick must be shaken eight to ten times each time it is inserted.

4. After finishing the bottom of the stove, make sure that it can be put into the dry pot steadily. Only in this way can it be ensured that the forming is relatively standard, and it will generally be a standard annular triangle ring. Of course, there are many steps that need to be paid attention to throughout the knotting process. And every step cannot be ignored.