- 19
- Nov
Teach you several effective methods to control energy consumption
Teach you several effective methods to control energy consumption
First, provide a good electricity environment
To reduce the energy consumption of industrial chillers, it is first necessary to provide a good electricity environment for industrial chillers. For example, the voltage of the electrical environment is relatively low. In order to maintain stable operating efficiency, industrial chiller equipment will inevitably increase the consumption of electrical energy. The excessively high voltage will inevitably lead to problems such as operating failures of industrial chillers. The ability to provide safe voltage usage conditions for industrial chillers is the basic condition for reducing the energy consumption of industrial chillers, and a suitable voltage environment can effectively reduce the energy consumption of industrial chillers.
Second, make a specific plan for equipment operation
If you want to control the efficiency of industrial chillers and maintain the safety and stability of the system, you need to develop a specific use plan. No matter any equipment without a specific plan, the system will be in a state of overload, which will seriously affect the industrial chiller. the quality of.
Third, perform regular repairs
Sanoat suv sovutgichlariga muntazam texnik xizmat ko’rsatish va ta’mirlash sanoat suv sovutgichlarining barqarorligini saqlab turishi mumkin. Har qanday uskunada texnik xizmat ko’rsatish va ta’mirlash bo’lmasa, u ma’lum darajada samaradorlikni pasaytiradi. Albatta, bu texnik xizmat ko’rsatish maqsadga muvofiqdir, masalan, siz tizimdan boshlashingiz mumkin. Ta’mirlash ishlari yaxshi bajarilgan ekan, jihozlardan yaxshiroq foydalanish mumkin va samaradorlik sezilarli darajada yaxshilanadi.
To’rtinchidan, atrofdagi operatsion muhitga e’tibor bering
Atrof-muhit sanoat sovutgichlariga nisbatan katta ta’sir ko’rsatadiganligi sababli, sifatni ta’minlash bilan birga, sanoat sovutgichlarining atrof-muhitga ta’siriga ham e’tibor qaratishimiz kerak va ular ishlatilganda atrof-muhitga ta’sir qilmasligi kerak.
Fifth, condensation temperature
Under the premise of satisfying the use, the condensing temperature must be lowered, because at the beginning of use, there will be a certain margin in the cooling tower, so it is necessary to increase the original cooling tower water to make the cooling water more effective.
Sixth, configure adjustable coil
Sanoat sovutgichi ishlayotgan bo’lsa, u uzoq vaqt ishlasa, u juda ko’p energiya sarflaydi. Atrof-muhit haroratiga mos keladigan ish quvvatini sozlash uchun sanoat sovutgichlari uchun sozlash bobinlari o’rnatilishi mumkin. Masalan, sanoat sovutgichni sovutish ishlari uchun ishlaydigan quvvat diapazonining 70% ichida ushlab turish uchun energiyaning kamida 15% ni tejash mumkin.