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Induction melting furnace for refining metal silicon from silicon mud

Induction melting furnace for refining metal silicon from silicon mud

The metal silicon powder produced by silicon wafer manufacturers in the solar photovoltaic industry is dried and directly melted in the furnace after pretreatment. The melting cost is low, the consumables are few, no graphite crucible is needed, and the furnace lining has a long life and can be used continuously. Compared with the traditional electric furnace, the smelting cost can be saved by more than 40%.

Integrating the characteristics of metallic silicon, our company has developed a new type of special furnace for refining metallic silicon from silicon mud on the basis of a large number of experiments. It can directly smelt silicon mud with almost no loss. The yield rate is over 90%, and the product exceeds 2202.

The induction melting furnace for refining metal silicon from silicon mud is mainly composed of four parts:

1. Elektr ta’minoti va elektr qismi: parallel inverter oraliq chastotali quvvat manbai yoki ketma -ket inverter oraliq chastotali quvvat manbai

2. Olovli korpus qismi: alyuminiy qobiq yoki po’lat qobiq, po’lat qobiqli o’choq tanasi o’choq qobig’i, sobit ramka, o’choq qopqog’i, o’choqni burish mexanizmi, indüksiyon lasan, magnit bo’yinturuq va boshqalar va o’choq oqish signalizatsiyasidan iborat.

3. Uzatish moslamasi: mexanik reduktor yoki gidravlik qurilma va boshqalar.

4. Suvni sovutish tizimi: yopiq pastadirli sovutish minorasi


