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What is the price of bar heat treatment equipment?

What is the price of bar heat treatment equipment?

The bar heat treatment equipment mainly performs heat treatment, quenching and tempering treatment on metal workpieces to meet the needs of different fields. There are various types of indüksiyon isitish uskunalari. Among them, the bar heat treatment equipment is very popular among the industry due to its convenient operation, intelligent, efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and high comprehensive benefits. Concerned, what is the price of a set of bar heat treatment equipment? Here, Songdao Technology will answer in detail for you.

Main technical parameters of bar heat treatment equipment:

1. Power supply system: air-cooled IGBT new energy-saving induction heating power supply

2. The output per hour is 0.5-3.5 tons, and the scope of application is ø20-ø180mm.

3. Tashish rolikli stol: Rolikli stolning o’qi va ishlov beriladigan qismning o’qi 18-21 ° burchak hosil qiladi. Ish qismi isitishni bir xilda qilish uchun doimiy tezlikda oldinga siljish paytida aylanadi. Pech korpuslari orasidagi rolikli stol 304 magnit bo’lmagan zanglamaydigan po’latdan yasalgan va suv bilan sovutilgan.

4. Rolikli stolni guruhlash: oziqlantirish guruhi, sensorlar guruhi va tushirish guruhi mustaqil ravishda boshqariladi, bu esa ishlov beriladigan qismlar orasidagi bo’shliqqa olib kelmasdan uzluksiz isitish uchun qulaydir.

5. Haroratni yopiq pastadir nazorati: isitish va söndürme haroratni aniq nazorat qilish uchun Amerika Leitai infraqizil termometrini yopiq pastadir nazorat qilish tizimini qabul qiladi.

6. Sanoat kompyuter tizimi: ishchi parametrlarning joriy holatini real vaqt rejimida ko’rsatish, ish qismi parametrlari xotirasi, saqlash, bosib chiqarish, nosozliklarni ko’rsatish, signal va boshqa funktsiyalar.

7. Energy conversion: heating + quenching method is adopted, and the electricity consumption per ton is 280-320 degrees.

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