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Soxtalashtirishdan oldin isitish uskunalari

Soxtalashtirishdan oldin isitish uskunalari

Heating equipment before forging is widely used in casting forging and heat treatment workshops. The heating equipment before forging has the advantages of stability, reliability, energy saving and environmental protection, which ensures the normal operation of the casting forging and heat treatment production line of the flow operation, and saves the investment in the work and production of the enterprise. Heating equipment before forging is widely used in metal heat treatment production. For example, the heat treatment and quenching and tempering production line mainly supplies shafts, such as straight shafts, reducing shafts, crankshafts, gear shafts, gears, sleeves, rings, disk hardware tools, surface heat treatment of various mechanical parts and overall quenching and tempering of metal materials. Annealing, tempering, etc. To

Soxtalashtirishdan oldin isitish uskunasining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari:

1. Extremely high reliability

The heating equipment before forging adopts the reliable intermediate frequency induction design circuit principle, thus ensuring extremely high reliability and high start-up procedures;

2. The whole set of metal heat treatment heating equipment adopts PLC automatic control program

Automatic and continuous system monitoring equipment to ensure safe and reliable heating process;

3. Kam shovqin

The structural design and installation of the heating equipment before forging fully consider the reduction of vibration and thus greatly reduce the noise level. The front baffle and dust hood of the furnace also fully consider the noise reduction effect;

4. Oddiy o’rnatish, ishlatish va texnik xizmat ko’rsatish

Bosqichma-bosqich modul dizayni g’oyasi o’rnatish tezligini, oddiy tizim ishlashini, monitoringini va hokazolarni va do’stona ishlash interfeysini sezilarli darajada soddalashtiradi va tezlashtiradi.