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Aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace

Aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace

A. The aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace is mainly composed of four parts:

1. Elektr ta’minoti va elektr qismi: parallel inverter oraliq chastotali quvvat manbai yoki ketma -ket inverter oraliq chastotali quvvat manbai

2. Furnace body part: aluminum shell, furnace tilting reducer, induction coil.

3. Transmission: mechanical reducer.

4. Suvni sovutish tizimi: yopiq pastadirli sovutish minorasi

B. The choice of the power size of the aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace, the choice of the aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace capacity, and the method of selecting the power consumption of the aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace.


model birlik GW0.1-100/2.5 GW0.25-200/1 GW0.5-400/1 GW1-800/1 GW1.5-1200/1 GW2-1600/1 GW5-3000/0.5
sig’im T 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 3 5
Nominal harorat 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
IF power Kw 100 200 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Mf frequency KHz 2.5 1 1 1 1 1 0.5
Power iste’moli Kwh/t 830 700 650 600 600 550 550
Flip type redüktör 231reducer 231reducer 431reducer 431reducer 531reducer 631reducer 731reducer
transformator KVA 100 200 500 1000 1500 1600 3150
Water cooling tower ZXZ ZXZ-10T ZXZ-20T ZXZ-40T ZXZ-80T ZXZ-140T ZXZ-160T ZXZ-240T

C. Aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace price

The price of the aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace is about tens of thousands of yuan per unit, the cheap one is tens of thousands of yuan, and the expensive one is hundreds of thousands. The price of aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace is affected by many aspects, such as brand, category, specification, market, etc. Before choosing to buy, it is necessary to understand and compare in many aspects. The technical parameter configuration of the aluminum-shell intermediate frequency furnace is different, and the price is also different. It is calculated according to the power of the intermediate frequency power supply and the volume of the furnace body. Different configurations have different prices. This price is for reference only. Contact us will have very low prices, please consult for specific prices.

sig’im model Power (kVt) Kirish voltaji (v) MF kuchlanishi (v) Pechning tuzilishi PRICE¥(RMB)
100KGAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-100 kVt 100kw 3 × 380V 750v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 40000 yuan
250KGAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-200 kVt 200kw 3 × 380V 750v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 70800 yuan
500KGAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-400 kVt 400kw 3 × 380V 1500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 131800 yuan
0.75TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-500 kVt 500kw 3 × 380V 1500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 120000 yuan
1TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-800 kVt 800kw 3 × 380V 1500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 150000 yuan
1.5TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-1200 kVt 1200kw 3 × 660V 2500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 250000 yuan
2TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-1600 kVt 1600kw 3 × 660V 2500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 360000 yuan
3TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-2000 kVt 2000kw 3 × 660V 2500v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 40000 yuan
5TAluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace SDBLR-3000 kVt 3000kw 6 × 750V 3200v Alyuminiy qobiqli pech korpusi Hammasi: 600000 yuan

D. What is the difference between aluminum shell intermediate frequency furnace and steel shell intermediate frequency furnace?

Olovli korpus turiga ko’ra quyidagilarga bo’linadi: alyuminiy qobiqli pech va po’lat qobiqli o’choq. Alyuminiy qobiqli o’choq – an’anaviy alyuminiy qotishma qobig’i va eritilgan temirni quyish uchun reduktorli an’anaviy o’choq korpusi. Narxi arzon va u 0.5 tonna va undan kichik bo’lgan kichik o’choqlarga mos keladi. Po’lat qobiqli pechning tashqi qobig’i qalinlashgan po’latdan yasalgan konstruktsiyadan yasalgan va magnit maydonning oqishini himoya qilish uchun magnit bo’yinturuq qo’shilgan. Shlangi egiluvchan o’choq qabul qilingan, bu xavfsiz va ishonchli. Bu 1T va undan yuqori bo’lgan katta pechlar uchun javob beradi.