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Indlela echanekileyo yokwakha ye-refractory castable

Indlela echanekileyo yokwakha ye-refractory castable

Nowadays, lightweight refractory materials have been widely adopted by the majority of users, and the application of heat-insulating refractory materials has developed to the aspect of unshaped light-weight heat-insulating refractory materials. So how to use refractory castables correctly in daily operations? Today I will take you to understand:

1. I-refractory castable ixutywe ngokukodwa ngumxube ekusebenzeni kwangempela, kwaye ukuxuba ngesandla akuvumelekanga. Xa kungekho ndlela yimbi, ukuxubana ngezandla kuyakwamkelwa. Kodwa ukucoca umhlaba, i-castable kufuneka yongezwe nge-coagulant. Isixa se-coagulant yi-3%. Ukuba ikwisiza, unokongeza i-5% ukudibanisa ngokulinganayo kwaye wongeze i-8% PA80 glue yokuxuba ngokukhawuleza kunye nokusetyenziswa ngokukhawuleza, ukuqinisekisa ukuba ingasetyenziswa kwimizuzu eyi-10 ngaphezulu.


2. Before pouring, first coat the anchor solid with a layer of asphalt and paint. When the pouring thickness is within 250mm, it should be poured to the specified thickness at one time, and vibrate until it is fully compacted.

3. Sebenzisa umxube ukuxuba i-castable, uthele i-castable kwi-mixer kuqala, kwaye ungeze i-5-3% ye-condensate. Lungisa ngokwexesha lokuqina. Ngokuqhelekileyo, xa iqondo lokushisa liyi-≤25℃ ekwindla, unokongeza i-5%. Umzekelo, xa ubushushu benxalenye eza kwakhiwa ≥30℃, unokongeza i-3%. Galela kwindawo echaziweyo de ugqitywe.

4. Xa uphonsa i-lightweight kunye ne-high-temperature resistant castables, kuyimfuneko ukuvavanya umgangatho we-ladle kunye nenani lamaxesha okuthwala umthwalo ngamaxesha amaninzi. Ingaba i-crane high-temperature castable ladle okanye i-ladle ephathekayo, jonga rhoqo kwiinyanga ezi-2 1 Okwesibini, khangela iindawo ezibalulekileyo zokuqhekeka, ukuguqulwa, ukuvuvukala, njl.

5. I-mold kufuneka ihlambuluke phambi kwe-intshi ye-intshi, kwaye i-mold kufuneka ifakwe ngoluhlu lweoli ngexesha lokubumba i-intshi.

Oku ngasentla kuyindlela echanekileyo yokwakhiwa kwe-refractory castable, ndiyathemba ukuba kuya kuba luncedo kuwe xa usebenzisa esi sixhobo sokulahla.