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Grade classification description of epoxy resin insulation board

Grade classification description of epoxy resin insulation board

Epoxy resins generally refer to organic polymer compounds containing two or more epoxy groups in the molecule. Except for a few, their relative molecular masses are not high. The molecular structure of epoxy resin is characterized by the active epoxy group in the molecular chain. The epoxy group can be located at the end, in the middle or in a cyclic structure of the molecular chain. Because the molecular structure contains active epoxy groups, they can undergo cross-linking reactions with various types of curing agents to form insoluble and infusible polymers with a three-way network structure.

Application characteristics of epoxy resin insulation board

1. Amafomu ahlukahlukene. Izinhlaka ezahlukahlukene, ama-ejenti aphulukisayo, kanye nezinhlelo zokuguqula cishe zingazivumelanisa nezidingo zezinhlelo zokusebenza ezahlukahlukene kwifomu, futhi ububanzi bungaba kusuka ku-viscosity ephansi kakhulu kuye kokuqina okuphezulu kokuncibilika.

2. Ukwelapha okulula. Khetha ama-ejenti ahlukahlukene aphulukisayo, uhlelo lwe-epoxy resin cishe lungalapheka ebangeni lokushisa elingu-0 ~ 180 ℃.

3. Ukunamathela okuqinile. Amaqembu aphethwe yi-polar hydroxyl kanye nezibopho ze-ether ochungechungeni lwamangqamuzana ezinhlaka ze-epoxy zikwenza kube ukunamathela kakhulu ezintweni ezahlukahlukene. Ukuncipha kwe-epoxy resin kuphansi lapho welapha, futhi ukucindezela kwangaphakathi okukhiqizwe kuncane, okusiza nokwenza ngcono amandla wokubambelela.

4. Ukuncipha okuphansi. Ukusabela phakathi kwe-epoxy resin kanye ne-ejenti ephulukisayo esetshenziswayo kwenziwa ngokufaka okuqondile ngqo noma ukuvulwa kwendandatho kokuphendula kwamaqembu epoxy ku-molecule ye-resin, futhi awekho amanzi noma eminye imikhiqizo evela ezintekenteke ekhishwayo. Uma kuqhathaniswa nezinhlayiya ze-polyester ezingasetshenziswanga nama-phenolic resins, akhombisa ukuncipha okuphansi kakhulu (ngaphansi kuka-2%) ngesikhathi sokuphulukiswa.

5. Izakhiwo zemishini. I-epoxy resin system ephulukisiwe inezakhiwo ezinhle kakhulu zomshini.

6. Electrical performance. The cured epoxy resin system is an excellent insulating material with high dielectric properties, surface leakage resistance, and arc resistance.

7. Ukuzinza kwamakhemikhali. Ngokuvamile, i-epoxy resin system ephulukisiwe inokumelana okuhle kwe-alkali, ukumelana ne-asidi nokumelana ne-solvent. Njengezinye izakhiwo zesistimu ye-epoxy ephulukisiwe, ukuqina kwamakhemikhali futhi kuya nge-resin ekhethiwe kanye ne-ejenti elaphayo. Ukukhethwa okufanele kwe-epoxy resin kanye ne-ejenti yokwelapha kungayenza ibe nokuzinza okukhethekile kwamakhemikhali.

8. Ukuzinza kobukhulu. Ukuhlanganiswa kwezindawo eziningi ezingenhla kunika uhlelo lwe-epoxy resin ukuzinza okuqinile nokuqina.

9. Resistant to mold. The cured epoxy resin system is resistant to most molds and can be used in harsh tropical conditions.

Type classification

According to the molecular structure, epoxy resins can be roughly divided into five categories:

1. Glycidyl ether epoxy resin

2. Glycidyl ester epoxy resin

3. Glycidylamine epoxy resin

4. Linear aliphatic epoxy resin

5. Alicyclic epoxy resin