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Umthelela we-glue mica tape encane ekusebenzeni kokufakwa kwekhoyili

Ithonya le less glue mica tape ekusebenzeni kwe-insulation yekhoyili

There are two main aspects of the influence of less glue mica tape on the insulation performance of the coil: one is the content of glue, generally the less the better. The second is the performance of the adhesive itself. The adhesive used by a good mica tape manufacturer not only meets the adhesive properties of the mica tape, but also has a very low dielectric loss value at high temperatures, while ensuring good compatibility between the mica tape and the impregnating resin.

I-tape ye-raber mica ephansi inokuguquguquka okwanele ekamelweni lokushisa, elivumela ukugoqa ikhoyili, futhi ngesikhathi esifanayo inomoya omuhle wokungena komoya kanye nokungena komoya, okuvumela ukukhishwa komoya kanye nokuguquguquka kusuka kungqimba lwe-insulating kanye nokungena. we-resin ngesikhathi senqubo yokufakelwa kwe-VPI. Qinisekisa ukusebenza jikelele kwekhoyili.