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High temperature box furnace

High temperature box furnace

Inhloso eyinhloko

This equipment is widely used in universities, scientific research institutes, industrial and mining enterprises for high temperature sintering, metal annealing, chemical industry, metallurgy, ceramics, new material development, organic matter ashing, and quality testing. It is also suitable for military industry, electronics, medicine, and specialties. Materials and other production and experiments.


Umkhiqizo Isingeniso

The introduction of foreign technology, independent research and development and production, energy-saving, new electric furnace. It has a reasonable double-layer shell structure, the surface temperature is less than or equal to 40 ℃, and the appearance is beautiful and generous. It is processed by cold-rolled steel plate, CNC machine tools, high-precision laser cutting machines, and CNC bending machines. The surface is beautiful, luxurious, and two-color. The oxidized powder is electrostatically sprayed to achieve a durable, non-fading, high-temperature and corrosion-resistant surface treatment.

Isici sokushisa: Khetha izinto ezahlukahlukene zokushisa ngokuya ngezinga lokushisa kwesithando somlilo. Izakhi zokushisa zihlukaniswe: intambo yesithando sikagesi, ibhendi lokumelana, induku ye-silicon carbide, induku ye-silicon molybdenum, kanye nocingo lwe-molybdenum.

Okokusebenza kwe-Liner: I-liner yenziwa ngezinto zokushisa ezingenisiwe ezivela kwamanye amazwe futhi zakhiwa ngobungcweti. Strong ezishisayo ukushaqeka ukumelana, okuhle ukugqwala ukumelana, akukho ukuwa, akukho crystallization, akukho slag, nokuphila isikhathi eside!

Imodi yokulawula ithempelesha: ubuchwepheshe bokulungisa ubuhlakani obuncane be-microcomputer, ukulungiswa kwe-PID, ukulawula okuzenzakalelayo, umsebenzi wokuzilungisa; uHlelo lwezinhlelo eziningi, futhi lungalawula ukufudumeza okuhlukahlukene, ukulondolozwa kokushisa, nezinhlelo zokupholisa; ukulungiswa kwamandla; ukushisa okuphezulu kokulawula ukushisa; kuhlanganiswe module thyristor control, Isigaba shift inhlamvu. Idivayisi yokuvikela: ukuvikela okuzimele kokushisa okuthe xaxa, i-over-voltage, i-over-current, ukuvuza, ukuvikelwa kwesikhashana, njll, ngezinga eliphakeme lokuzenzekelayo, futhi zonke izinkomba zifinyelele ezingeni.



I-1, isithando sezinto ezingenisiwe ezingasindi kakhulu ukuhlanzeka okuphezulu kwe-alumina ceramic material, ubunzima obukhulu, abukwazi ukukhokhela i-powder ephezulu yokushisa, ukushisa okuphezulu kokushisa, okungajwayelekile embonini yamahhala

2, umzimba wokushisa wenziwe ngocingo lokumelana nensimbi / i-silicon carbide / i-molybdenum disilicide, ingamelana nemithwalo emikhulu, impilo ezinzile neyinde, okuhle ukufana kokushisa

I-3, ukulawula ukushisa kokuklanywa kwelungelo lobunikazi, isivinini sokushisa, ukufana kokushisa, usayizi ofanayo kunemboni ukuthuthukisa ukusebenza kwesithando sintering amahlandla ama-3 ngaphezulu,

4, imitha yokulawula okuphezulu yokushisa okuphezulu, izinga lokushisa elincane elibomvu, nokunxephezelwa kokushisa nokulungiswa kwezinga lokushisa, ukunemba kokulawula ukushisa kwe- ±. 1 deg.] C (isitifiketi sokuhlola esitholakalayo esikhishwe umuntu wesithathu)

5 , door side opening, open convenient, 360 rotating ℃

I-6, ipuleti lensimbi ephindwe kabili, izinga lokushisa lokuphathwa kokugqwala kwendawo;

7, izinto ze-elekthronikhi zisetshenziswa kwimikhiqizo yaseNtshonalanga Jalimane, ngokuvikelwa kokuvuza, okuthembekile

I-8, i-alamu engaphezulu kokushisa nokuhluleka kwamandla, ukuvikelwa kokuvuza, ukusebenza okuthembekile

I-9, isilawuli se-microcomputer, i-PID regulator ehlakaniphile, ijika lokushisa elingama-30 elingenzeka, ukusebenza okuzenzakalelayo ngaphandle kokuqapha (ukukhuphula okuzenzakalelayo nokunciphisa, ukushisa)

10, yi-software yethu, i-Intanethi nekhompyutha, enika amandla isitofu esisodwa noma eziningi zokulawula okukude, ukulandelela isikhathi sangempela, umlando, imibiko yokukhipha neminye imisebenzi; kungafakwa amadivayisi wokuqopha angenamaphepha, ukugcinwa kwedatha, okukhiphayo;

11. Temperature category: 600 ℃ 800 ℃ 1000 ℃ 1200 ℃ 1400 ℃ 1600 ℃ 1700 ℃ 1800 ℃


ipharamitha lobuchwepheshe


project Inkomba yezobuchwepheshe
Voltage V 220V / 380V
set tempreture 600 deg.] C .800 deg.] C .1000 deg.] C .1200 deg.] C .1400 deg.] C .1600 deg.] C .1700 deg.] C .1800 deg.] C
Isici sokushisa Use resistance wire, U -shaped silicon carbide rod, U silicon molybdenum rod (depending on temperature)
Ukulawula ukulawula izinga lokushisa ± 1 degree (integrated circuit control, no overshoot phenomenon)
The control range is 0/1800 degrees
Into yokulinganisa ithempelesha K -type thermocouple (0-1250 ℃) / S -type thermocouple (0-1600 ℃) / B -type thermocouple (0-1800 ℃) (kuya ngethempelesha)
Heating element installation position Kufakiwe zibheka nhlangothi zombili zesithando somlilo
Isakhiwo somnyango wesithando somlilo The opening method of the furnace door is the axial 180 degree side opening
Izinga lokushisa 0-30 ℃ /min (The heating rate can be adjusted freely)
Umklamo wangaphandle The furnace body is made by CNC machine tool processing, high temperature baking, etc., two-color matching, has the advantages of acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, easy cleaning, etc.
Indlela yokulawula izinga lokushisa Microcomputer program control function, you can input settings: multiple curves can be input at the same time, and they can be called arbitrarily during use
Furnace refractories High-purity alumina polycrystalline fiber material containing zirconium
Ukupholisa isakhiwo Double-layer furnace shell, air-cooled; furnace temperature ≤ 45 degrees
Computer interface (optional) RS485/RS232/USB
Ububanzi bewaranti nesikhathi One year free warranty for electric furnace, no warranty for heating element and thermocouple
Izingxenye ezisele ezingejwayelekile Two heating elements, two sets of rods, one manual, one certificate, and one pair of high-temperature gloves.


Usayizi wesithando ungenziwa ngezifiso ngokuya ngezidingo zamakhasimende!



Usayizi wesithando somlilo I-Voltage v   Amandla kw   ukulawula ukunemba
  200 × 150 × 150 220 / 380      4      ± 1
  200 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      6      ± 1
  300 × 200 × 200 220 / 380      8      ± 1
  300 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      10      ± 1
  400 × 300 × 300 220 / 380      12      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 200 220 / 380      15      ± 1
  500 × 300 × 300    380      18      ± 1
  500 × 500 × 500    380      25      ± 1
  800 × 500 × 500    380      40      ± 1
  1200 × 500 × 500    380      85      ± 1